Morning Change

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Lucy headed up the stairs and entered the former guest room. Last Christmas it had been converted into Suzie's new nursery after all of the wacky shenanigans of last year. Lucy headed to the door and pushed through.

As she headed in she felt the cool air of the AC flow onto her. She walked through the dim nursery. Everything in the nursery was about what you'd expect but everything was sized up to fit a slightly larger toddler.

Inside had standard baby furniture, like a toybox, shelves, a crib, and a changing table, all sized up. The changing table was pressed against a wall under a window with a set of toys hung under a plastic arch to entertain little ones on it. Underneath it sat shelves filled with changing supplies, like baby oil, baby powder, and plenty of diapers with a rainbow's worth of different prints. A rocking chair sat in one corner for mom-to-daughter bonding time, bottle-feeding sessions, and story time.

But alongside the baby furniture was some furniture suggesting an older baby lived there. A few big complex
Lego sets were set up and some models sat at the top of the shelves. Some of the books included fantasy storybooks and detective stories. Some of the drawings looked a bit too detailed for a toddler to make.

Even in the dark, she could see the stylized mountain wallpaper with shades of gray and blue. Grey curtains covered the windows, but a few seem of light filtered through which left glowing trails on the soft carpet floor. A few toys littered the floor, which would have to be cleared up later. But for now, Lucy stepped over them, reaching the wooden crib.

Lucy stood over the crib and peeked inside. Inside was her daughter. A lot had happened last winter and autumn, and now she was here sleeping in a crib in her long-sleeved onesie. Her heart melted, seeing her sleep peacefully. Her brown hair was in a big mess over the crib and her chest slowly went up and down as she slept. Her paci gently bobbed to her gentle sucked.

Lucy was about to shake her awake when she noticed the bulge on her onesie. Even from here, she could tell she needed a change. She decided to change her first and then wake her up.

She gently lifted her daughter by the armpits out of her crib. Suzie in her sleep slumped over and snuggled into the nape of her neck. Lucy just kept her as steady as she could, patting her diapered bottom and rubbing her back.

She reached the changing table and carefully laid Suzie on it. She then pulled a strap over her tummy to keep her from rolling off. Then she reached for the buttons on the bottom of the onesie.

Lucy unbuckled her onesie and revealed a soaked diaper. It used to be a white diaper with blue prints of baby stuff like rubber duckies, rattles, and ball toys. But now it was swollen yellow. And the yellow wetness indicator on the bottom had turned light blue.

Lucy then got to work. She unsecured the tabs and opened up the diaper. She gently lifted her by the ankles and took out the diaper. She used it to wipe her down a little and threw it away. She then took some wipes and started cleaning up bits of pee on her butt.

As Suzie was wiped she shivered a little and started to suckle harder on her pacifier. But Lucy took her hand and gave it a squeeze, which seemed to calm her down. She then took another diaper and unfolded it. This one had a red, blue and yellow print of train tracks on the bottom and trains at the top. Lucy lifted Suzie by the ankles and slid the diaper under her. She lifted the front just below her belly button and lifted the wings on. She taped it securely and buttoned up her onesie.

As Lucy was just securing the onesie again Suzie woke up. Her eyes opened and she looked around her before looking up at her mom. "Morning..."

"Morning there Suzie." Her mom replied. "Want some breakfast?"

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