Chapter 11: Friends stay together

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                             that even possible?

Y/n: (smile) Well it maybe hard but if you have people that show care and love towards you then it is possible.

Chris blushes when he mention love which made him smile and then says.

Y/n: (smile) You may try to act tough but I find you quite cute.

Chris: (blush) Sh-Shut up.

She then aggressively eat her food and soon she was done as she let out a sigh of relief. Y/n just smiled and after he was finish his dinner he cleans up the dishes while Chris sat there in silence. She turn to Y/n and sees how kind he really is and never met anyone who is this kind and wise.

She started to have these strange feelings that she never felt in her life. Soon after Y/n tells her while he was about to walk into his bedroom.

Y/n: Hey gonna hit the hey, see you tomorrow morning.

Chris:......Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Hm?

Chris: (blush) ......I....Is it possible I can sleep with you tonight? I......I like how your bed is very comfortable and nice to lay on.

Chris blushed even red while Y/n just smiled and said.

Y/n: (smile) Sure, got plenty of room for you.

Chris is surprised and soon after we see the two sleeping together as Y/n already fallen asleep while Chris lay on his bed as she did find his bed comfortable.

She looks over to Y/n fast asleep and there was a sense of comfort when she is around him so she begin to cuddle him and after feeling his body she find it to be warm and nice. This made her smile while she shut her eyes with a singal tear dripping down of her eye as she too soon falls asleep as the two have a good night.

(Next day)

It was a bright and sunny day and we see Kaito walking through the park just having a stroll when he come across Miku sitting on the bench alone so he approaches her.

Kaito: Hey you must be Miku right?

Miku: Hm how do you know my name?

Kaito: I'm friends with Y/n and he told me about you.

Miku: Is that so. Are you his friend?

Kaito: (smile) You could say we're best buddies.

Miku: Oh....that's good.

Kaito: Hey is something wrong?

Miku:......Have you ever discovered that two of your friends have secrets and they didn't tell you?

Kaito: Oh.

Miku: Well.....I found out that Miku and Y/n are......super heroes and I have mix feelings about it. On one hand I'm proud but at the other....mad that they didn't tell me. It feels like Hibiki betray our friendship.

Kaito: Well I'm sure they didn't want you or anyone to get involve. Besides you shouldn't be mad at the two because what they do.

Miku: You think so?

Kaito: (smile) Yeah. I mean if I have a friend who is a super hero and I found out, I would be shocked and excited knowing my friend is a hero. Besides they are fighting for good right? There is no reason to be mad at them if they are fighting for good right?

Miku: True you have a point.

Kaito: (smile) Trust me. Hibiki and Y/n are good people and you know.....2 years ago Y/n was the one who saved Hibiki from being killed by a Noise. Y/n is truly a hero who inspire others to be one. Y/n is really a kind person and a person to never back down without a fight. (Place a hand onto Miku) If Hibiki wanted to be a hero just like Y/n then you should be proud of your friend and Y/n for sacrificing everything in hopes to make a world happy.

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