Chapter 1: How'd I end up here?

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Laying in bed, I shifted with a groan- blinking open my eyes as I felt sunlight. Morning already? I brush the thoughts away and shift to sit up. My eyes focused on my surroundings and- Wait, this isn't my damn room- Why the hell am I outside? I furrow my brows and stand up, glancing around. I don't recognize anything around, strange. How did I even get here? Last time I checked I was in my room.

The whole of the situation finally dawned on me after a moment and I pause. WHERE THE ACTUAL FUCK AM I!? I take a moment to take a few deep breaths before scanning my surroundings. I'm in a field.. I think? No- wait- this is a park. Why am I in a park??? "Where the hell-" I murmured, catching the attention of people around me. I sweatdropped, realizing people can see me. I offered an awkward smile to the people around before darting into the nearest alleyway.

The people around here look /really/ weird. What with having yellow skin and all. I guess they all have jaundice- I sigh, shaking my head to clear my thoughts as I placed a blocky hand to my head whilst trying to recall what had happened. Wait, blocky? I moved my hand from my head and glance down at it.

WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE LEGO HANDS!? I bite my tongue to refrain from yelling, staring wide-eyed at my hand. "This /has/ to be a dream.." I murmured under my breath before glancing around the city. It's all a dream, I'm sure of it. I sighed, might as well enjoy this dream- right?

Glancing around I spotted a shop labeled 'Pigsy's Noodles.' Soooo- I'm dreaming about Monkie Kid then? Cool. I take a minute to fully compose myself before walking towards the noodle shop, I /had/ always wanted to try Pigsy's Noodles when watching the show after all. I briefly zoned out to the sound of my footsteps tapping against the sidewalk and let my thoughts wander. Soon enough, I glance up and see the doors to the shop in front of me. Letting a small smile overtake my features, I pushed open the door and walked in.

I glanced around, taking in every detail of the place as I looked for somewhere to sit. Eventually, I made my way over to one of the barstools in front of the counter and sat down- waiting for something to happen. Resting my head on my opened palm, I wondered when I would wake up. Maybe I'm dead- is this Heaven? Or maybe Hell-- Nah, that's stupid.

"Hey kid, what can I get 'cha?" Spoke a male voice from before me. Glancing up, I quickly identify him as Pigsy. Oh, that's cool. "Uh- just some noodles please." I responded after a beat of silence. The Lego-pig-man-thingy nods and walks back(presumably to the kitchen). I guess I've watched so much of the show that my brain can also make the characters act in-character? Strange. Wait- do I even have any money? Probably not, but last time I checked you don't need to pay for things in dreams so I'm probably fine.

I'm soon once again Interrupted by the voice of another male. "Hey, I haven't seen you in the city before. Are you new here or something?" The male paused before continuing. "Oh! Sorry I'm Tang." He quickly introduced. I took a moment to glance over at him, and well, it was Tang- don't know what I expected honestly. Refocusing on his words, I hummed before responding. "Mhm, I'm [Name]." I introduced, before glancing at the book he held in his hands. "Watcha reading? If you don't mind me asking, that is." I questioned, knowing it was probably Journey to the West. I decided I might as well pretend to be some newcomer or whatever, it probably didn't matter much anyways.

"Oh! Journey to the West, it's all about Monkey King!" The male responded quickly and with enthusiasm, confirming my suspicions. Figures, that's what he reads in the show after all. Maybe I could use this dream to my advantage? Take a break from reality and just have some chill time with the cast? Even just wandering around the city could be fun. "And it's–" Oh, I must have zoned out. He seemed to be blabbering about the book. I nodded along, pretending I was listening the whole time.

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