01: Viper

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Night was upon the city of Osaka, but it was not one of nothing but peace and tranquility

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Night was upon the city of Osaka, but it was not one of nothing but peace and tranquility. It was one of those where it was far from being short of pure screams and shouts of genuine terror and pain, as well as the tears of both agony and sorrow.

Chaos, death and blood like none other blanketed the city, perturbing the life settled in the affected area.
Smoke from lingering fires filled the skies, camouflaged by the dark of the night, all the while more and more of the lives of innocent civilians were being claimed by unforeseen, unimaginable things known not to humanity.

"What the hell is that?"

"Run! Don't wait for me, Reyo, just go!"

"No! Uraka, please! Wake up, say something, anything! Stay with me!"

"Move out my way, lady! Move it!"

"Please...anyone but my baby.."

"You damn bastards! Stay the fuck away from my children! And my wife!"

"Help, please, help me! Anyone! Please!"

"Mama...where did you go...?"

"Dad! No. No, no, no, no...please..."

"Agh...! It hurts, it hurts...make it stop, make it stop!"

"Get away! Get a-away from m-me!"

"Please! I-I have a family...I have children...barely two years of age..."

"Mother...I'm sorry."

"Help! Anyone?! Help me!"

Cries along the lines of those echoed throughout the whole of the city, acting as more evidence of pure devastation taking place, caused by horrific creatures that was clearly not of this world and had collectively decided to wreak havoc on mankind and the other lifeforms on Earth.

All seemed to be completely hopeless and lost as the attack seemed to be never ending as it continued on, seemingly relentless, but suddenly, several bright lights emerged from the dark in the sky. Blue, orange, green, you name it, it was there.
There were about forty or so of the lights, and as they began to race down towards the still plunged in chaos city, they split up into smaller groups, appearing to go to different parts of the metropolis.

The impact that they all made upon landing was enough to attract the attention of the creatures, and to said creatures' bewilderment and confusion, as the dust that had risen during impact cleared away slightly, it revealed silhouettes of not stars or lights but actual humans.

One of the monsters, a black scaled and red eyed giant 8 feet tall viper with three forked tongues instead of one, moved cautiously towards the strange group of food that had been presented to it, a black goey substance continuously dripping down its body and onto the underlying ground. Said substance acted as a strong acid, melting away the parts of the ground it had made contact with.

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