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(Harry's POV)

Once Louis walked out, Harry shut the door behind him, leaning his back against it. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He just kissed one of his best friends. But it hadn't even been 24 hours since he and Taylor broke up. He felt so guilty. Even though the most amazing thing just happened to him, his head still managed to find a way to make him feel shitty. It wasn't fair to Taylor, or Louis for that matter. Taylor would think he used him or something, and Louis would think he's a rebound, and he didn't want either of those things to happen. What was he supposed to do?

To be fair, their relationship had ended months ago when Taylor got jealous and took it out on Harry. They had really only been messing around recently, and never put a label on it. But Harry wanted it to feel real. He'd done everything to make it real. He just wanted the feeling of being loved, even if it was artificial. He just wanted someone to belong to him, and to belong to someone else. Even though it wasn't really a breakup, it still hit like one. Sure his mind could move on, but his heart was still fractured. He needed a cast to fix it. 

Louis was his cast. He wasn't a rebound for Harry to get over Taylor, he was a puzzle piece in the recovery. He was his caregiver. He was the one who could finally teach Harry what true love is like. He could recover, knowing that the person on the other side was waiting for him whenever he was ready. He was his safe place.

Harry smiled, almost crying to himself. Sure, he felt bad, but after months of feeling like shit, he was finally starting to smile with his heart. Not his reflexes.

He walked over to his suitcase to finish packing his things. He had to be downstairs in the lobby in about 15 minutes from now, so he hurried up a bit. He did a quick double check to make sure he had everything he needed, and headed out. He shut and locked the suite door, dragging his suitcase down the hallway behind him, meeting Louis in the hallway by accident. 

"Successful sneak?" Harry asked, smirking as we walked into the elevator.

"Thankfully." He replied, laughing. "Zayn was turning around in the elevator just as I slid into my room."

"Close call. You might have to get used to that soon." He laughed. There was a moment of silence before Harry broke it. "We're still going to keep in touch, right?" 

"Of course. I wouldn't just abandon you like that." Louis replied, elbowing Harry teasingly.

"Hey! I had to ask!" He chuckled. And just like that, the elevator chimed, and the doors of their privacy were opened. They walked out and Harry fought everything in him not to grab his hand as he walked. 

"There you are Louis!" Zayn huffed, walking over. "Where were you?"

"Oh- I was just helping Harry pack." Louis smiled, trying to hide his lie, but Zayn obviously knew better.

"I didn't see you there when I asked where you were?" Zayn commented, eyeing Harry. He knew Harry the most, and he could tell something was up. 

"I was in the bathroom! I was just gathering the things there for him." Louis awkwardly chuckled.

"Well then why'd Harry say he didn't know where you were?" 

"I- He- Uh.." Louis fumbled, panicking.

"I was mistaken. I guess I thought you were asking about Niall for some reason, and it slipped my mind." Harry stepped in, defending Louis to get themselves off the hook. "My bad, mate." Harry said as he walked past, patting Zayn on the shoulder as he did. He was so glad it got him out of the situation. It would work for now.

 He knew Zayn. He'd figure it out sooner or later, but for now it was best to keep things undercover. Even now, he could feel his eyes practically burning holes into the back of his head. He knew he was 100% suspicious. And Zayn had been trying to push Harry to start talking to Louis anyway. He'd shipped the both of them, together since he'd almost walked in on him and Taylor.

Zayn hated Taylor with a burning passion, which just made Harry more excited to tell Zayn about how they were done for good. He just couldn't find the right time to, and besides, it would only egg him on more to ask about him and Louis since he teased Harry every time he mentioned boys. He'd seen the way Louis looked at him. He said he wanted Harry to pay more attention to him, but he never truly knew what Zayn meant until now. I mean, how could he have missed such an amazing boy? He just had his eyes closed. His focus was on someone else. 

But now that Taylor was gone, he could finally see clearly again. He finally noticed Louis. Sure Louis fell first, but Harry felt like he was falling harder.

"Okay boys, cars should be here any minute so enjoy your holiday and brainstorm while you're home please. I want to see at least a good verse or two from each of you. We need to start working on this album." Said Earl, eyeing all of them. Harry sighed. Even on his holiday he couldn't get a break from writing. 

As much as he loved his job, he couldn't stand his managers. Either of them. Luckily the rest of the band was on the same page, but what could they do about it? If they tried to do anything they'd lose their careers. Most of them just wanted to be able to care for their families and give back to them. They couldn't risk losing all of this, even if it meant doing everything they were told. Even if it meant hiding who they were. Even if it meant hiding who they loved.

"Stay out of trouble, all of you. We can't keep covering for you when people come up with rumors over paparazzi photos." Injected Steve. "Just stay inside as much as you can and once again enjoy your holidays." He stepped out of the way of the door, the cars already there. 

The boys were dismissed to leave but they said goodbye and hugged each other before they left. When Harry made it to Louis he smiled awkwardly, hugging him and whispering in his ear.

"See you soon, Lou." 

And with that, he hopped in his designated car, smiling on his way, and went home for Christmas.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 23 ⏰

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