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Harry thought and thought, pacing around his room to look for some kind of idea. He eventually picked up his phone and searched the internet.

Ways to cheer up your boyfriend:

-give him a love note

-get a present

-make time to see him

-hug him

-tell him you love him

-make him his favorite meal

Maybe he could cook for him? He can cook a nice romantic dinner, set the table, and have a nice calm dinner with him. Show him that he truly does love him. He texted his personal assistant, Tina and asked if she could grab him some groceries for him to cook. He could easily ask for pre-made food, or for room service to bring him a meal, but he wanted it to be from him. He wanted it to feel personal.

(Louis POV)

After last night, he felt so defeated. He felt like any chances he might have had with Harry were gone. Harry hadn't dated anyone in a while, and he held out hope that maybe he came to terms with his sexuality, and realized he was gay. Maybe Louis had a chance with him. But when he heard him and his hookup last night, he knew it was over.

Even if he didn't have a chance with him, maybe he could try and win him over. Sure, the chances of that happening are super low, but maybe?

He sat in his room, coming up with a plan to ask Harry to hangout. Maybe he could invite him to go to a bar? No, they weren't allowed to drink before tomorrow's interview. He could try and invite him over to song-write? No, they're supposed to have 3 or more band members minimum if they want to write. The rules were so stupid. He was beginning to hate the management they signed to.

He decided to just go over and ask him to hangout. Maybe just watch a movie or something. He walked over to Harry's door and knocked. He waited and waited, and was about to walk away when the door flew open.

He was greeted with the familiar beauty of his emerald green eyes. The man stood there, leaning on the door frame in an apron, and his hair slightly brushed out of his face so that he could focus on whatever he was doing.

"Hey, Louis, what's up?" He said with a smile. He seemed slightly distracted, as he looked into his room.

"Oh not much. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out, like watch a movie or something." Louis smiled back, he prayed he'd say yes.

"Agh- I'm actually busy with something tonight. I have some plans already." He frowned. "I'm sorry."

"No it's okay. I get it." Louis responded, feeling like a knife was stabbed through his chest, right into his heart, because he felt like he knew what those plans were.

"I've got to go, I'll see you tomorrow." He said, glancing back into his room for like the 5th time within their 13 second conversation before disappearing behind the door. Louis was so angry and hurt. There was nothing he could do. He's been in love with Harry for years and in less than 24 hours, all of his chances with him are gone. He practically ran back to his room and started to cry again.

I bet he kept looking back because that girl he hooked up with was in there. I bet he was hiding her from me. I bet he just was fucking her again, and that's why it took so long to open the goddamn door.

(Harry's POV)

Harry convinced Taylor to come over, but he was almost here, and Harry wasn't even finished cooking yet. Until Louis knocked on the door.

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