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Harry's eyes lit up the moment he saw Taylor walking down the hallway, a wide smile slapped across in an instant. He watched as Taylor neared him, slowly coming to the realization that the man was drunk out of his mind. Worse than Harry currently was. He stumbled all over the narrow hallway, hitting the walls, bumping his head on doorframes, and getting caught on doorknobs.

Harry's face dimmed almost immediately. He hated when Taylor was drunk. Although it would explain why he was acting like he was earlier. Its not usual for him to treat people like that.

They met at a show, Taylor pulling Harry aside while he was signing autographs with his beautiful golden eyes. Harry stopped signing anything and agreed to meet with the gorgeous man later. They immediately hit it off, and Harry fell in love. He was so kind, and selfless, and had the biggest soft spot for cats. He was so cute.

Although, Harry knew Taylor had a small alcohol problem, but Taylor seemed to be doing a lot better and with Harrys help he'd been sober for about 6 months. That is until his mom died. Taylor's entire personality changed in a matter of days. He was no longer the sweet, caring, and selfless person he once was. He became a mean, aggressive person, screaming at anyone in his way when he was shitfaced. He only loved harry when he himself was experiencing pleasure in some way. Whether it was making out, fooling around, or Taylor rambling about his hobbies and not letting Harry speak about his own, It was the only way to get him out of that aggressive curse.

Sure, the relationship was toxic, anyone who had seen them right now would think that Harry's a pussy for not leaving. But if anyone knew who Taylor really was before his mom passed, they'd understand. Hopefully. At least Harry wanted them to.

He often sat with himself and thought about how freeing it would be to just let go and live his life, but Taylor needed him. He couldn't do that to him. Besides, who knows what he'd do if Harry left.

"Are you gonna fucking help me up or not?" Taylor muttered, slumped on the ground. He had fallen once again. Harry rushed over to help him up, sticking his arm out for Taylor to grab, but he didn't. "You're such an asshole, you know? First you don't tell me what the plans are for tonight, then you don't call the front so that woman could just let me the fuck in, and third you don't help me up until I call your name 7 fucking times. And I counted Harry. I fucking counted."

"It's okay, love. I'm sorry. There's no set plan for the night, I didn't know when you'd be here, and I'm a little hazy right now. I'm drunk too."

"Who said I'm drunk?" Taylor says, slurring his words together. "I'm as sober as a baby. Look at me. If you were a cop, would you arrest me right now?"

"No, baby" Harry agreed, just wanting their argument to be over.

"See." Taylor sighs out, rolling his eyes, grabbing Harry's arm honestly and hoisting himself up. He leans forward to whisper to Harry. "I have an Idea," He smiles "what if you role-play as a cop trying to arrest me or something, and I'll show you how sober I am..." Taylor whines out, making Harry's heart drop to his chest. He thought they were just going to chat and sleep. Not sleep together.

"But, babe, I don't-"

"Shhh," Taylor cuts him off, planting a finger to his lips and gazing into Harry's eyes. He didn't move for a moment, letting his finger rest there. He knew that bribing/convincing him was the only way the two would end up sleeping together tonight, and Taylor knew Harry couldn't resist himself. Especially drunk. Harry knew this too.

Harry smiled, huffing and grabbed Taylor's thighs, using it as a sign for him to jump up as Harry caught and carried the man to his hotel room, where the rest of the night, many noises could be heard...

(Louis POV)

Louis sat on his hotel bed, eating his takeout that he ordered to his room. He watched TV, enjoying every bite until he heard a noise. He furrowed his eyebrows and searched for the remote to mute his TV. He listened again in silence, and this time, he understood. He couldn't think of who's room was next to him- or why he heard screaming. He debated calling the cops in fear for whoever was in that room, but then he remembered looking at Harry before he entered his room. He was his neighbor.

Louis' heart dropped, the sweet admiration he felt for him immediately slipped to anger as he realized. Harry was in his hotel room, and had someone over. He was fucking someone else.

Who could he have met? Where did they meet? How did he not know? What if the rest of the band knew and left him out? He couldn't fathom the fact that this was happening right now. Him and Harry had been getting so much closer over the past two weeks, and here he is fucking some rando in the room next to him? He threw his fork down onto his plate and stormed off into the bathroom.

He felt the new tears in his eyes sting as he looked in the mirror at himself. How could you be so stupid, Louis? He thought to himself, He's never gonna feel the same. You know that. Every time anyone mentions something about him not having a girl every other week, he shuts it down. It's like he's afraid of anything even mildly relating to him not being into women. He didn't lead you on, you're just too stupid to realize the difference between friendship and a relationship. And he was right. Louis had never been able to distinguish the difference between the two, and that's why most of his relationships or friendships ended. But he just couldn't understand how people could be so cruel about it.

He met a guy at a bar one time, and they hit it off. They were together all night, attached at the hip. But Louis thought he had flirted with him, and leaned forward to kiss him and the man slapped him right across the face. He doesn't have much memory of what happened after that because he got shitfaced right after and almost suffocated on his bathroom floor from his sobs mixed with the ridiculous amount of vomit. He felt so stupid, led on.

He stood there, looking in the mirror at himself as he felt his tears individually drop onto his hands. Get your shit together Louis. Just eat your dinner and go to bed. Forget about it. You knew it wouldn't happen anyway. And that he did. He got back into his bed, finished his dinner, and turned the TV volume up as high as it would go. He couldn't stand to hear them. Who even screams like that? Harry must have awful taste.

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