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Beyonce Knowles
Office in New York

Onika had yet to contact me through out the entire week.

The rumour was still making rounds and with deciding not to address it, she had no reason to contact me. I preferred it that way.

I even went as far as excluding myself from anything to do with the film and focused on my empire. I had someone who would attend events on my behalf, Rihanna wasn't pleased but understood why. I didn't want to draw attention away from the film with the dating rumour. Since we never denied nor confirmed it.

There's so much happening in the world right now but people are concerned about who is dating who.

I got back from work, took a shower and settled in bed while going through my phone.

I had a message from Onika but chose to delete it without even reading it. I owed her nothing.

I was still avoiding my parents, they wanted to meet my 'girlfriend' and I'm pretty sure my mother was already picturing a wedding and grandkids. That's how bad she wanted me settle down. Solange already has a child, isn't that enough? I have yet to meet anyone worthy of carrying my kids. Everyone is just after money or fame hence I steer away from people. But that's not one way to live.

Onika Minaj

Beyonce was ignoring me but I can't fault her. Paparazzi was a nightmare to deal with, it got so bad that I had a panick attack. Lauren helped me through it, but I felt like I was burdening her enough with work now she has to be there for my mental health as well.

Amid all of this I got a call with an offer for a role in a movie. But had to turn it down due to shooting conflicts.

But it was great to know that I had gotten an offer and there'll be more to come.

While in bed I got a message from my mom.

-hi baby, how are you holding up?

I'm doing alot better mom, did you receive the money I sent you?

-Onika you know I don't need money.

I know it just feels good to be able to give you something.

-thank you honey, I'll save it for my grandkids.

What do you mean?

-when am I meeting Beyonce?

Not happening, mom Beyonce and I are not dating. The rumour is false, she just brought me home after a business dinner, my director was there but she had to leave and asked Beyonce to get me home safe. I hope you are not telling your friends that Beyonce and I are dating.

-you should have told me sooner.

What do you mean

-I mean half the village knows

Gosh mom, you are worse than the blogs.

-I try

Not funny

-Sorry, I'll have to let village know that it was a lie...

don't say anything, It won't make it any better.

-So you and Beyonce are really not dating?

No mom

-okay, but you are not getting any younger and I want grandkids.

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