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Onika Minaj
New York

Today I was shooting a variety show with Brian. He was used to all this, while everything was a new experience for me. I made sure to take it all in as I knew that few years down the line, this would get boring.

The host was fun and everyone involved was great sport, they had me playing games and running around but it was worth it.

After the shooting we had to fly to London for a scheduled talk show appearance. This time Rihanna would guests as well.

I took alot of pictures for Instagram, I had set it up and my followers were increasing daily, people must had liked my performance.

While in London I had the opportunity to go out and explore the place. Lauren surprisingly caught a cold after shooting for the program and would have to stay in the hotel for the rest of our stay, which was just a day, fortunately.

Rihanna Fenty
Hotel de Cil

"You shouldn't be here" Lauren was stubborn and tried to get me to leave her hotel room but I wouldn't budge.

"Stop Baby" if anything she was afraid that her friend would find me in bed with her. My immune system was strong, I wasn't worried about getting sick.

"I wish I could kiss you, but I can't" I rubbed her tummy, she likes it when I do that, big baby.

"hurry up and get better" she hummed and fell asleep, she must be exhausted as well.

Truth is I wanted to call it quits, it wasn't fair on her to sneak around like we were having an affair. But everytime I look her in the eyes, I can't bring myself to break her heart, she has fallen deeper than I thought. When we were starting out, I had made it clear that it was just sex. Of course she agreed but I should had known better.

It will be harder than I thought to end this, I actually like the girl. She's the type you want on your corner holding you down.

Maybe I should wait until we get back to New York and she's in better health.

Onika Minaj
Hotel de Cil

London was so cold, first thing I did after a day out is take a hot bath. I'd go check up Lauren after and bring her something warm to eat. A part of me feels bad because she's working so hard for me, her body must had been tired thus making it easier for the flu to attack her.

She says less is more in having a team for me, afraid that some might end up selling information they get from working with me to the media. But I had nothing to hide, only bad thing I did was skip school a couple of times.

I found Lauren asleep with food on the bedside. Who could had been here, by the looks of it she had eaten, great I thought. She can be stubborn at least I didn't have to fight her just to get her to eat.

I got in besides her and she opened her eyes when she felt me hug her but closed them just as quickly.

The flight back to New York was quick, only cause I was asleep the entire flight. Rihanna seemed genuinely worried about Lauren, she hadn't gotten any better. But her concern was surprising to see, I didn't think she cared much about people around her. Lauren wasn't even directly involved in the film, I brushed it off and slept.

There's no place like home, well in my case home away from home. The weather was great. I forced Lauren to take time off, she tried putting up a fight but I threatened her with her dad. It works all the time, she threw a pillow at me as I left her bedroom. We shared an apartment, which was convenient for the both of us.

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