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"Who was stalking you?" Felix demands as we're going truck shopping with Sabina, Violet and Demetri are watching over the twins Elena and Emma. Calanthe and Everett said that soon the apocalypse that will determine who will survival and who will die is amongst us. The witch and her family Calanthe knows is all prepared and is staying at Carrington Manor with us until the time comes.

"You told him about him?" Sabina asks

"You know?" Felix demands

Sabina shrugs her shoulders "Don't worry Felix, Uncle Daniel took care of him" she finds this one truck that is huge, perfect for warm or cold climates and driving off road.

Felix just stares at me, sighing as Sabina gets the black pick up truck that can fit up to five people "He followed me around because I reminded him of his ex, we spoke a few times and in those few times he basically went crazy thinking I liked him. My dad took care of him—I'd honestly like to forget about that moment"

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks

Placing my hand on his face "Because I knew you'd act like this...when I don't tell you thinks Felix it's because I don't want you to overthink and worry too much when there's nothing to be worried about"

Placing his hand over mine, he nods his head. Smiling brightly, we look at another pick up truck "Remind me again" Felix asks "why we're looking for pick up trucks only?"

"Even though sports cars are cool" we look at this one pick up that comes in this dark blue that I really like "not a lot of storage, even if you get one of those storage trailers it isn't the same"

After an hour of going through paper work and getting different things, we go to a few different stores. I'm driving the convertible while Felix is driving the truck since he didn't want me driving it. Sabina heads to CVS and Walgreens to get different things like cough drops, cough syrup, pain relievers, bandages, etc. Felix is with me and we're heading to the hardware store to grab some storage bins, tool kits, first aid kits, rope, etc.

Once at Carrington Manor, the staff brings the stuff up to the room that we ordered to be off limits to everyone but the supernatural which is a small group of people. "Dani?" Felix asks "I left something by the pool area, do you mind getting me it?"

"Sure" nodding my head yawning, we've been shopping for hours and I just want to go to sleep. I mean it's almost midnight right now "what is it?"

"My watch" okay, didn't know Felix had a watch but apparently he does. Well as I'm walking towards the pool, my eyes widen seeing this trail of red rose petals leading out to the pool.

There are twinkling lights everywhere, but in the pool there are a bunch of candles that spell "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" With rose petals around the candles. Finding the watch, I turn it around reading "turn around"

Turning around dropping the watch that we hear a tiny splash, it fell into the pool but who cares! Felix is down on one knee with a gold ring that spirals out like vines and a beautiful light blue diamond in the middle. Hearing some violins play, looking over I see Violet and her violin playing some music while all of my family is out here watching as Felix asks "From the moment we met, I knew you'd be the woman I'd spend my entire life with" smiling to Felix as happy tears fall, I can't stop it "your the light of my life, without you I'm nothing. I want to spend every moment with you and only you. Danika Genevieve Swan, I love you so much...will you marry me?"

Nodding my head letting out a laugh "Yes! Oh my god! Yes!" Felix stands up kissing me before sliding the ring onto my finger, we hear barking to look over seeing Bo run by tripping us into the pool

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Nodding my head letting out a laugh "Yes! Oh my god! Yes!" Felix stands up kissing me before sliding the ring onto my finger, we hear barking to look over seeing Bo run by tripping us into the pool. The cold water hits my skin but it's nothing compared to Felix, getting up we laugh as the family comes down to congratulate us.


"Ready?" Dad asks me as I'm in a white lace dress with long sheer sleeved and high white heels. My hair is up in a messy bun with some light makeup.

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"As I'll ever be" Felix and I agreed to a courthouse wedding because we didn't want some huge wedding, Fallon hates how we're having a small wedding

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"As I'll ever be" Felix and I agreed to a courthouse wedding because we didn't want some huge wedding, Fallon hates how we're having a small wedding.

When the door opens, I smile seeing Felix by the judge in a suit. Dad brings me down the aisle to him, dad has to hold me back from running since I really want to run.

Once I'm before Felix, the judge starts speaking but I don't even pay attention. My only focus is Felix so when the judge tells Felix he may kiss me, I'm jumping into his arms pressing my lips to his and Felix falls back holding onto me.

Felix and I pull away from one another when we hear a throat clear loudly, looking up we see dad who has his arms crossed "Save that for the bedroom" looking down at Felix, my eyes twinkling.

"Let's go home" ordering him "right now"

"What about dinner?" Mom calls out as Felix and I run out of the room at human speed.

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