Shua Day

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In the bustling city, Jeonghan found himself grappling with a mischievous plan to surprise his boyfriend, Joshua, on his birthday. He decided to playfully pretend to forget the special day, fully aware that it might upset Joshua initially but ultimately lead to an unforgettable celebration.

As the day approached, Jeonghan carefully orchestrated his act. He pretended to be engrossed in work, seemingly oblivious to the date that held so much significance for the two of them. Joshua, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment as the hours passed without any mention of his birthday.

Meanwhile, Jeonghan sought the assistance of his best friend, Seungcheol, to execute the surprise. Seungcheol, being the loyal accomplice, agreed to help distract Joshua while preparations unfolded at Jeonghan's apartment.

On the evening of Joshua's birthday, Jeonghan invited Joshua to dinner at a quaint restaurant, a seemingly ordinary evening in the eyes of his unsuspecting boyfriend. However, the twinkle in Jeonghan's eyes betrayed the secret he held.

As they sat at the table, Joshua tried to suppress his disappointment, feeling a mixture of sadness and confusion. "Jeonghan, did you forget something important?" he asked, hoping for a different answer.

Jeonghan maintained his act, feigning innocence. "Forget? Oh, I've just been so busy lately. What could I have forgotten?"

Despite his attempts at maintaining composure, Joshua couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. The night continued with a subdued atmosphere, leaving Joshua wondering if his birthday would pass by unnoticed.

Little did he know, Seungcheol was working behind the scenes. He took Joshua out for coffee, engaging him in lively conversation to distract him from the impending surprise. Seungcheol's charismatic personality and genuine friendship provided a comforting diversion, easing Joshua's initial disappointment.

Meanwhile, back at Jeonghan's apartment, a team of friends decorated the space with balloons, streamers, and a table adorned with Joshua's favorite treats. The anticipation in the air was palpable as they awaited the moment to reveal the surprise.

As the evening progressed, Jeonghan subtly steered the conversation toward their shared memories, dropping hints that only intensified Joshua's confusion. "Remember that time we celebrated your birthday under the stars?" Jeonghan mused, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

The diversion continued, with Seungcheol skillfully guiding Joshua through a series of activities, ensuring he remained oblivious to the preparations taking place behind the scenes. Each passing moment added to the suspense, building up to the grand revelation awaiting Joshua.

Finally, the time arrived for Jeonghan and Joshua to return to the apartment. As they opened the door, Joshua was greeted by a burst of laughter and the joyful chorus of "Happy Birthday!" echoing through the room. The sight that unfolded before him left him speechless - a room adorned with love, laughter, and the warmth of friendship.

Jeonghan's eyes sparkled with affection as he took Joshua's hand, leading him into the celebration. "Surprise, love! I may have pretended to forget, but I could never forget your special day," Jeonghan confessed, his voice filled with genuine love.

Joshua's initial disappointment melted away, replaced by a flood of gratitude and joy. The room buzzed with laughter, heartfelt conversations, and the celebration of a love that thrived on surprises, even those veiled in playful pretense.

As the night unfolded, surrounded by friends and the warmth of the birthday celebration, Joshua realized that the temporary sting of disappointment was a small price to pay for the unforgettable memory that Jeonghan and their friends had crafted for him. It became a birthday tale that they would retell with laughter and fondness for years to come, a testament to the strength of their love and the beauty of surprises, even those disguised in a playful charade.

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