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In a quiet classroom on a particularly challenging day, Jeonghan found himself in a predicament. He had woken up that morning with a fever, but he was determined not to miss his important chemistry lecture. As he sat at his desk, his face was flushed and his body felt uncomfortably warm. The room temperature seemed to rise, making it even more difficult for him to stay comfortable.

Jeonghan did his best to focus, but his mind was racing with the symptoms of his illness. His throat felt parched, his head throbbed, and his body ached with each passing minute. Despite these distractions, he clung to his notebook and tried to follow the professor's explanation of complex chemical reactions.

He occasionally closed his eyes for a moment to alleviate the throbbing headache, but he didn't want to miss any crucial information. As the lecture continued, Jeonghan shifted in his chair, his restlessness stemming from the fever's discomfort. he felt cold one moment and hot the next, leading to occasional shivers and sweat beads forming on her forehead.

Not notice, someone is watching Jeonghan from the back. He couldn't help but worry. It was evident in every action he expressed. He decided to raise his hand, asking his teacher's permission.

"Yes, Joshua?" The teacher asks.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Jeonghan is feeling unwell. Can I bring him home?"

The teacher looked at Jeonghan worriedly and decided to let them go home.

"Hannie, can you stand?" Ask Joshua.

Jeonghan struggled to stand up, his determination evident in their attempt, but as he rose from his seat, a sudden wave of dizziness overcame Jeonghan. His balance wavered, and he staggered for a moment, his face paling as he fought to regain his composure. It was clear that his body was not cooperating, and the world seemed to spin around him, making it nearly impossible to stay on his feet. Joshua carried Jeonghan a bride-style way to their home earning a high-pitched scream from their classmate.

Joshua carefully walked there as he was carrying Jeonghan in his embrace.

"Told you to stay home but you're so stubborn" Joshua scolded his boyfriend as he snuggled closer to his torso.

As they went into their home, Joshua gently bundled up his boyfriend on the bed. Jeonghan's forehead was warm and her cheeks flushed. He tucked Jeonghan into a thick blanket. Joshua paced back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. He constantly checked the thermometer and brought fresh cups of herbal tea to soothe his boyfriend's throat. Each time Jeonghan inquired about his lover's comfort, his eyes reflected his deep concern.

"Yah! I'm fine, really," Jeonghan whispered weakly, trying to assure him. But the worry was etched across Joshua's face. He was a natural caregiver, and the thought of Jeonghan feeling unwell weighed heavily on him.

"No, you not. The thermometer shows that you have a high fever." Joshua said worriedly and gave him a peck on Jeonghan's red lip.

"YAH! Stop kissing me while I have a fever here." Jeonghan scolded and he continued kissing his lips.

"You can't stop me. By the way, I have high immunity so I can kiss you." Joshua smirk.

Throughout the night, Joshua hardly got any sleep. He set alarms to remind him to check on Jeonghan's temperature and gently placed a cold compress on his forehead when the fever spiked. He adjusted the thermostat and made sure he was comfortably nestled in a cocoon of blankets.

With each passing hour, his anxiety grew. He felt helpless, unable to do much to alleviate Jeonghan's suffering. He couldn't help but stay awake, occasionally stroking his hair and offering soft words of comfort. The worry persisted as morning dawned, and Jeonghan's fever showed no signs of abating. Joshua couldn't concentrate on anything else, his entire world revolved around his boyfriend's well-being. He knew he couldn't cure his illness, but his unwavering support and care were a testament to his love.

"I will never make myself fall into a fever again," Jeonghan said pouty and snuggled closer to his boyfriend.

"I don't like it when my boyfriend worries about me. I hate fever! Go away!" Jeonghan continued as Joshua chuckled. He scoops his boyfriend into his embrace and kisses his head.

"I love you, Hong Jisoo. Thanks for taking care of me."

"I love you too, baby."

In that challenging time, their bond grew stronger. Jeonghan felt grateful for having such a caring and concerned partner, and Joshua realized that sometimes, the most significant way to show love is through worry, care, and being there for someone when they need it the most.

~The End~

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