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They were about to walk up the stairs when a
old man opened the door walking down. He
stopped with wide eyes staring at the two in front of him.

Y/n: are they a bubble man?


Sabo smiled and shook his head.

Y/n: are they the person you needed to talk to?

Sabo: no sweetheart.

The man looked at the boy a little annoyed at what he said.

Y/n: alright honey! Where to!

The man looked pissed at what y/n said. She smiled.

Sabo: Hello sir, is mrs. Shakuyaku here?

Man: why? And when did you get back?

The man looked at the outer space Y/n staring at the sky.

Sabo: back?

Man: come in come in.

Sabo: sweetheart come one.

Man: actually. Only y/n can come in. Stay out.

Sabo: Sir, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Man: are you saying that my-

shaku: Ray whats is- y/n?

She looked at Rayleigh as he glared at the boy with blond hair.

Shaku: leave that boy alone….

She then noticed the boy and y/n holding hands.

Sabo: ma'am are you mrs Shakuyaku's?

The woman nodded.

Sabo: Alright, common sweetheart, I found the woman.
Y/n: alright honey! This place is cool! Look at
the bubbles. She said as they walked past a
pissed off Rayleigh. Shaku: Are you two married?

Y/n: YES!

she said with a huge smile, jumping. Both
Shakuyaku and Rayleigh jaws dropped as
they stared the boy down. They had zero
clue not even a sound about a wedding
of their daughters. Sabo smiled.

Rayleigh: Strawboy can wait.

He stomped up the stairs passing sabo and y/n.
Sabo wasn't sure of what was happening the
pisces arent adding up. Rayleigh: And I meant
what i said you can stay outside. Sabo: Then so
will my wife. Y/n just smiled Staring at the bubbles.
Shaku: nevermind him come in. Rayleigh looked
at Shaku, ferociously mad. Once they came
in the two stood in front of sabo and y/n as
they sat down. The tension coming from the
two was so intense. You could cut it with a knife.

Sabo nervously felt them staring him down.

Sabo: uh.. Is everything okay?

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