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??: HeheHahahaha!!!! The laugh. Starting with a giggle turning into a loud laugh. Who was that again? I just. Wouldn't remember their name. ??: 永遠の恋人!!! Wait. Who is that? I squint my eyes at the blurry photo of someone standing holding their hat. Y/n: straw…hat? Suddenly it all disappeared as my eyes jolted open. I felt weight in my body as I woke up in an unfamiliar place. How did I get here? Actually, who? Who am i?

I'M Y/N D L/N!

I slowly tried to sit up but failed miserably.
A man then said to hold on as he would help you.
You forced yourself to sit up with the man's
help. You looked over at the man with a smile.

Y/n: thank you very much sir.

Y/n bowed her head then looked back up at
the shocked man. He had short wavy blond
hair, a scar covering his left eye, he was
wearing a somewhat formal outfit with black
round eyes, And a black top hat with goggles.

y/n: uh sir?

The man snapped back to reality.

??: huh- oh sorry y/n.

He held his head.

Y/n: y/n?

??: Oh you seem to have lost your memory…

Y/n: oh dear. Then… Who were you to me?

Y/n asked, tilting her head.

??: my name is Sabo and i was your brother.

Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek hugging him.

Y/n: brother!

Sabo blushed as he was shocked, old
y/n never did that…NSabo: uh this is
my room but you're gonna be staying
in it, oh! And your names y/n. Y/n smiled
nodding. Y/n: what happened before
i Lost my memory? Sabo: I'm not sure
I wasn't there, so someone brought you to me.

That was a lie if sabo ever told one.

Y/n nodded.

Y/n: where am I exactly?

Sabo: uh a ship for the revolutionary Army 

y/n: who are?

Sabo: The Revolutionary Army's primary
objective is to fight against the World
Government's rule over the world by defying
political oppression and corruption. But our
true purpose is to overthrow the tyrannical
and hedonistic World Noble.

Y/n nodded. Y/n: uh big bro…can i….join? Sabo
smiled at the girl nodding. Sabo: Of course you
just have to stay with me no matter what. Y/n
smiled nodding. Sabo said that as he remembered
that as kids y/n hated talking to new people,
that solved one problem. Sabo: And if you want
to join then you have to tell me Everything. I mean
everything. y/n nodded with a smile. Sabo sighed.

Sabo: Do you need anything? Y/n: I'm hungry!
She smiled as sabo left bringing back like 8 plates.
Sabo: here y/n's eyes widened and sparkled
making sabo smile. Sabo took two of the plates
as y/n ate the rest. Y/n was full As well as full or
energy. She jumped up and down clapping as
she did. She was about to leave the room when
sabo stopped her. Sabo: wait! You need to change!

Y/n looked down as she was in dirty clothes.
Unsure of where these clothes came from she
nodded. Sabo gave her an outfit like his but
smaller. She put it on as Sabo closed his eyes.
Once she was done sabo took a hold of her hand
and said he'd give her a tour and said if she got
tired to tell him. As they walked around they
got a lot of stares from different people.

But then this girl came up to us.

??: Who's this sabo? And where did you go on
your last mission? Y/n: is this your girlfriend's
big bro? ??: what?! No! I thought you were his-
she just blushed. Y/n: you're cute. If you're not
Sabo's girl then u can be mine. She looked up
at y/n as y/n winked. Sabo: y/n you're not a boy.

Y/n: I'm a girl?!

She pulled out her shirt and looked down.

Y/n: damn I'm hot.

Sabo slapped your head lightly.

Y/n: ow….

She stopped looking down her shirt. Sabo: This is
my little sister. Y/n. ??: oh nice to meet you? Y/n: sure.
Uh… ??: im koala. Y/n nodded. Sabo and y/n
continued their tour. Later on sabo carried y/n
concerned that she may be tired. Once they finished
They ended landed on the closest island. Saboday.

Y/n made jokes on how it matched sabo's name.
Sabo: Okay now before we go. I have a meeting
with a woman here then i'll take you to the fair
okay? But I have three rules, one is while we're
here you have to be my wife okay? Y/n: why?

Sabo: cause if you're my sister people would
take advantage of that and may take you away
from me. Y/n nodded aggressively.

Y/n: ALRIGHT HUSBAND! Sabo chuckled.

Sabo: Just call me honey or Well be suspicious okay?

Y/n smiled and nodded.

Sabo: I'm gonna have to call you "sweetheart"
to stop the suspicion, okay? Y/n nodded with a
smile. Sabo: Okay second rule, stay with me no
matter what! Never leave my side and if you
want to tell me and I'll go with you! Y/n nodded.

Sabo: last rule, if you see a person with a bubble
on their head their uh royalty so you have to
bow your head. And never talk back! Also if they
do something crazy say maybe kill a person don't
do anything about it! Alright? It's to keep you safe!

Y/n looked kinda sad at the last part but nodded.

Y/n: alright but we'll still go to the fair when they're
gone, right! Sabo smiled and nodded. This made y/n
smile. Sabo: And let's go! Y/n: yes honey! Y/n giggled.
Sabo and y/n got down and started walking across a bridge.

After they got to a place called

" shakkys rip off bar "

Y/n: cool!

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