past present

21 0 0


Y/n: ace! Wait up!

Ace: you're moving too slow y/n!

Y/n: where's luffy?


Ace stopped running as y/n's face hit his back.

Ace: Luffy's not with you?

Y/n held her nose with both hands as she
shook her head. Ace sighed as he moved
my hands and looked at my nose. He pulled
up my nose as he said.

Ace: honk honk you're a pig!

Y/n laughed

Ace: you're fine, no blood. Now let's find Luffy!

Ace was walking with you besides him.
You were all siblings with all three of
your brothers but Luffy was your best friend.


you were with sabo and luffy and we
just learned the king of the pirates is
ace dad?! Sabo told us not to say anything
as we walked into our hideout but the
first thing me and Luffy said to Ace was
all about that. And in no time at all. We
all got a good beating and a lecture from ace.😭

gol d rogers name was never spoken of again.

Sabo had a crush on me so he'd always say
weird things to me. Luffy always laughed
at the attempts of hitting on me while Ace
always got mad and told him to stop. He
didn't but I didn't care. Luffy was my best
friend because we were alike. Ace was
a protective older brother, while sabo was
just an adventure seeker that hit on me.

I always wished that us three could always stay that way.

But when sabo died lots of things changed.

Luffy and I were always crying. Ace was always
sad and became even more protective as to have
luffy and himself walk me home, even if we
lived in the same house, he made sure luffy
stayed with him. He went as far as to make
sure to know where we both were everyday.
The day sabo died, ace luffy and i sat at a clif
watching the sunset. Me and Luffy were ballin
out tears and snot as ace stood there sad. Ace
hit the two. Ace: how much long are you
gonna be moping around?

Luffy: i wanna be strong!

Y/n: and stronger

Luffy: and stronger

y/n: and stronger

y/n: and stronger!
Both: so we can protect everyone and everybody!

Ace sighed.

Luffy: ACEEEEE😭😭😭😭

y/n: D-DONT


Ace hit us.

Especially while I have two crybabys to watch over.

We still were crying as I could tell Ace wanted
to cry too so I got up and hugged him as I cried
and he silently cried too. Although me and luffy
weren't silent luffy joined the hug too. We stayed
like that till we had to go. Soon enough Ace had
to leave and it was just me and luffy. We waited
three years training to be pirates like ace and
shanks! When we were younger, even when sabo
was alive.

me and Luffy always said this one thing to each other.



  and we said that all our lives to each other.
Even when we parted ways. And then he found
me again and brought me to his ship. Turns
out not too long ago we both saw ace. And how
he's grown up! He's still as protective as ever!
And zoro reminded me of him.


We were finally here. Fishman island is right
below it! Luckily we met some people from
there and they helped us out. I didn't know
his and Nami's backstory but I learned it! And
now we're on an island.

- timeskip -

// ok so im so lazy and don't feel like making this long this is just for one piece month cause gear5 and the live action are coming out this August so i thought…. idk😭 so were skipping up to the episode they fight kuma sssssooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy\\

Y/n: ZORO! Luffy: ZORO! All the crew's eyes widened In surprise and fear. Y/n: w-WHERE IS HE?! one by one. I was just standing there Mer feet in front of Luffy and Robin as the others desperately tried to run away or as they tried to fight. They all ended up with the same faith. They all disappeared. Zoro, brook, usopp, Sanji, franky, nami, chopper. They're all gone. I looked over to my right behind me to see luffy screaming and crying but then robin started running as i turned my head to watch her.

She disappeared and Luffy stood up with fear in his eyes as well as mine. I tried to run back to luffy but it seemed like everything was in slow motion. Cause in almost a second kuma was to my right. My eyes widened as I knew what was to happen next. I reached my arm out as tears started to stream down my face. I mouthed words to Luffy. Words only luffy were to understand. "永遠の恋人" He ran twords me as i felt his huge palm on my side and it all went dark.

"Hey y/n, luffy."

The sound brought y/n back. Y/n: huh? Zoro: What does that even mean?  Luffy: what? Usopp: "永遠の恋人" nami: what language is that anyway? Y/n and luffy giggled. Both: you'll never know! They laughed, confusing the others even more.


Ace: What does "永遠    の恋    人" mean? He tried to say it correctly when he pronounced it completely wrong. Sabo: You should tell us! Y/n and luffy laughed telling him he'll never know. They did that everytime someone asked.


I heard a loud beeping sound as I felt myself going down.
It was getting incredibly hot. I slowly opened my eyes
as my hands were cuffed in front of me, unable to move.
The space between my elbow and shoulder was being held
up as my feet were being dragged. My vision was still
blurry as I still wasn't able to fully wake up. It got so
bad to the point where I fell back to sleep. But I woke
up at the sight of a jail cell in front of me? My feet
were being dragged and my vision was incredibly
blurry. The door opened and I was tossed onto the
ground as I landed onto my side.

Thanks for reading again! Please tell me
if you like this or not please do know that
the chapters are going to start getting sad
and may bring out family issues.

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