Chapter 21: Snakebitten

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"You know, I'm a little offended." His hand brushed against the vase of flowers in the corner of the hallway. "Somebody enters your house, and your first thought is a primordial creature that can teleport wherever he wants?"

Ana gritted her teeth together. "Get out of my house. I told you not to come back here."

He shrugged and crossed his arms. "You did, and I was only going to speak to you outside, but...your cat looked like she was starving. How could I not refuse her?"

"I don't want to talk to you, get out!" Ana exclaimed, pointing to the door behind him. Her hands visibly shook, and Ana knew that he could tell.

He smiled at her. "No, I think you should hear what I have to say. I've waited a week for you to calm over from your little hissy fit, now you can give me just a few moments of your time to convince you to take my deal. "

He took a few steps toward her, and she took a few steps back. "Get out now, or I'll summon my father."

He laughed. "Really? I don't doubt you'll summon him, but will he answer the call? I've never personally met him, but demons aren't known to be responsible parents."

She stumbled back, and he walked towards her. Think, she thought. Think of a way out of this!

As quick as a hare, she ran back to the living room and to the altar, but on second thought, she took a sharp turn and up the stairs, grabbing one of her heels resting at the bottom. She turned back halfway and spotted Deacon at the bottom of the staircase, grinning up at her. She threw the shoe at him and didn't look long enough to see if it hit him.

"Where are you going, Kravens?" Deacon called from the stairs.

Ana ran into her room and slammed the door closed, locking it before shoving a wooden chair under the knob. She stepped back from it as she heard Deacon's loud footsteps approach the door, her heart beating loud in her ears.

"This is really funny. A locked door? You think that's gonna stop me?"

Ana's heart leapt in her throat as she frantically looked around her room, trying to think clearly through the panic that was scattering her mind. Summon supplies....closet!

She wrenched the closet door open and pulled out a wooden chest. She lifted the lid and grabbed the extra supplies she had stuffed in there just in case of emergencies like this. She suddenly remembered another spell she was given, and frantically searched through her clothing bin for the pants she had thrown in there a week ago. She found the pants and stuffed her hand in the pocket, wrenching it out when she grabbed hold of a piece of paper. She unfolded it, slightly tearing it down the middle in her frantic movements.

Should I summon my father, or Beau? My father could get here faster, but would he even show up? Would Beau even show up? The paper crumbled in her hands as she clenched her fists.

"Shit.." She threw the paper to the side and moved back to the summoning supplies. She quickly drew Marchosias' sigil as the door knob started to wobble.

"You wanna know something about your father?" Deacon called from the other side of the door. "The Creed of Solomon has records of him dating to the fourteenth century! He's been around far longer than Christianity, let me tell ya. He's had a habit of...abandoning his children. You weren't the first, did he ever tell you that? Definitely not the first. Which raises the question of why he is making an effort to be near you? Why not any of your past siblings?"

Ana says the summoning invocations under her breath, and the sigils glows a bright white. He received the summons. Now I just need to delay Deacon.

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