Chapter 11: Nepenthe

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"—No wait, that's not even the best part—he tripped over a fire hydrant after giving me that stupid ass alcohol abstinence rant!"

Ana keeled over laughing, somehow not spilling the beer in her hand. Logan joined her, the TV show forgotten by the both of them as Lory recounted her latest dating escapades.

"I think you have worse dating experiences than I do," Ana breathed. She took a sip of her beer before setting it on the coffee table, which was already covered in food leftover from the boxes of takeout. They were both sitting on the couch, legs crossed and watching a crime show. Or at least trying to, anyway. They got distracted with random dating horror stories.

Logan had a plate of food in her lap, goddess locs tied into a loose updo so as to not get in her face. She wore a dark green halter top that complimented her deep tawny skin and gold jewelry.

"I don't know," Logan shoved a spoonful of rice into her mouth. "I'm not sure anything can top Deacon. Are you still seeing him?"

Ana shrugged. She had changed from her uncomfortable work clothes and into a tank top and sweat pants. "Sort of. We went on a date last Thursday. Haven't seen him since."

Logan sighed. "I wish you wouldn't. He's a major weirdo. His family being rich freaks me out. What is he doing staying in a town like this? I am happy that you got that job, though."

Ana softly smiled. "Thanks."

Logan set her plate on the coffee table and crossed her legs. "I'm a little concerned though. You sure it isn't gonna stress you too much? Last time..."

Ana quickly shook her head. "No. I'll be fine. I was young and stupid then. I'm better now."

Her friend smiled before clasping her hands together. "I'm glad to hear it. That means your recovery is going well?"

Ana beamed a smile. "Sure is. Six months and still going strong. Haven't had any cravings in a few months."

"I'm glad to hear it." Logan grabbed her soda and took a sip. "I'm sure your mom is too. You've been talking to her, right?"

"I have. Why?"

"I visited her on my way to Jacksonville last Wednesday, and she seemed sick. Has she said anything about being ill? She looked a little pale and thin."

That's right. Logan goes to Jacksonville for business, but Livernville just happened to be on her route so she always visited Ana's mother when she had the chance. They were well acquainted with each other, as her mother was always visiting during birthdays and holidays, and so she knew Ana's childhood friends. It seems Ana wasn't the only one concerned that her mother was acting differently. Was her mother really sick? Was that the reason why she was acting strange on the phone? If she was taking medication for whatever sickness she had, it could've made her loopy. The story she told her could very well have been a wild tale.

Ana sighed and smoothed her hair down. "Yeah, I've talked to her. She sounded strange, but ended the call before I could ask her anything. Did she say anything to you?"

Logan shook her head. "No, not really but..." She scratched the side of her head with an hesitant look on her face. "She said something about seeing your father in her dreams, how it's ruining her. I know they weren't together when they died, but I really think it messed her up. She always looks stressed these past few years, but I think now it's getting to her."

Ana's face paled. It wasn't possible she meant her human dad. She must have meant her demonic father, but why would she say such a thing? Had that medicine, if she is even taking any, made her that loopy? Maybe I should call or text her, Ana thought. What if it's something more serious than a terrible flu?

"I'm sorry," Logan waved her hands in the air. "We were meant to have a fun time, and now I'm making you concerned over your own mother."

"No," Ana shook her head. "It's fine. I was thinking about her, anyway."

Logan examined her, her light brown eyes appearing gold in the waning light. She hummed and smiled. "You have your thinking face on. Promise me you're not going to do anything stupid?"

"Like what? Travel at least twelve hours to see her?" Ana joked, but her friend only raised her eyebrows in reply. Ana sighed. "Yes, yes. I promise you I'm not going to do anything dumb. I'll just...send her a text first."

Logan grinned and ruffled Ana's hair before getting up. "Thanks. Mind if I put these leftovers in the fridge?"

Ana nodded. "Yeah, go ahead."

She grabbed the leftovers and went to the kitchen, leaving Ana to watch the crime show that was still playing. They both hadn't been paying attention, and it would have to be rewound when Logan came back. Ana leaned over to grab the remote from the coffee table when she felt a prickling at the nape of her neck. Her hand stopped and she gritted her teeth as a cold feeling rushed down her spine. All the signs of Marchosias searching for her.

Occasionally, he would use a spell to look for her if she wasn't at her house, which was strange why he used it now. It was Monday, but did he expect her to be somewhere else? No, she thought. It was a warning. He knew Logan is here.

Logan came back and grabbed her soda, downing the last of it. Ana grabbed the remote and paused the show. She looked up at Logan and smiled softly. "I'm feeling kind of tired, Logan."

Logan looked taken aback, but recovered quickly. "Oh, okay. I can get out of your hair if you want."

Ana yawned and stretched her arms in the air. "Yeah, I would like that. Thanks for visiting with me."

She bent down and hugged Ana. "Yeah, sure. Always a pleasure. I'll see you on Friday when we go to Lexingside, right?"

Ana hummed in agreement. Logan let go of her with a smile and left the house. When Ana heard the door shut, her smile faded. Her friend was gone, and now she was left alone with Marchosias. He never visited on nights, which meant this was important. Ana couldn't see a reason why he had to tell her at night, unless it was about her mother.

She grabbed her empty can of beer and went into the kitchen. She threw it into the trash as she walked by to the sink. She turned the faucet on and grabbed a mostly-clean cup, filling it with water and drinking it. She didn't need water, it was mostly to settle her nerves. She couldn't just sit around and not do anything while Marchosias waited to make an appearance. He's probably behind me now, isn't he? She mentally prepared herself. Yes. He's behind me. Just turn around.

She turned around, and he was indeed standing behind her, close to the kitchen door way. She took another sip of her glass, hoping to appear more relaxed than she felt. "What do you want?"

His gaze went from her to the living room, and back to her. "Your job?"


He didn't reply. He stared at her, and Ana is reminded of the last few times she made him mad. Was he in a worse mood tonight? Had he come here just to bother her?

"Why haven't you made dinner?" He asked another question.

"I just ate." Ana took another gulp of her water and turned back to the sink.

"I haven't."

That simple reply to her answer was like a decision had already been made for her. He will have dinner with her, whether she wanted to or not. Demons didn't need to eat, but sometimes they still did. Food was like candy to them; a simple pleasure to only be consumed in reasonable quantities.

She stared at the sink as she thought. What happens if I disobey him again? Will he find a way to break my wrist again? She slowly tipped her cup until the water came out like a small waterfall. She watched the water go down the drain as her mouth twisted into a snarl. "Fine. I'll make us some dinner."

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