First test

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"For the rooms one room has four so we should split for roommates" seon said taking the leader role so far.

"Yuki be with me" Niki said grabbing onto my arm "Mhm" I smiled though I was upset he'd vote me out like that.

I was in a Room with daniel and jay other than Niki. I didn't mind them just as long as I'm not with seon I'm happy.

They guys went to the fitness center all at once. I was planning im raiding the kitchen but jungwon caught my arm and dragged me with them.

"Yah I'm not going to do anything here" I complained "stick with me and we'll do nothing together then" he said "I just want you to be included so you don't feel excluded" he said with a Pout

"Fine..I'll stay" I gave up seeing how his statement was true. The guys all Just ended up watching sunghoon do some ice skating Skills but on land.

"Imma go wash my face I feel so oily" I told jungwon in a whisper not wanting to disturb anyone else "ok but come back as soon as your done don't try ti hide from us" he warned me "I will" I rolled my eyes from his constant warnings

"In 10 minutes we will reveal the first test"

All the guys were stressing to get ready I wasn't. I woke up a lot earlier to do my skin care,hair routine, and eat. I didn't want to hold them up by using the restroom which would take long and they can't come in while I'm in there.

I was tired but I don't want to trouble any of them. I'm a asshole sure but not that much of an asshole.

I was the first to be down in my seat which jungwon helped me get my name tag and made me sit next to him. I was in between him and jay.

Once we all were seated it explained how everything will work. Our scores, eliminations and what not. It shocked us all.

Our first test was choreographed and wrote from our company itself. It had a strong meaning I knew I would be able to deliver.

When all the guys started pointing out how much lines each part gets they all wanted part one. I mean I did too but there was no way I'd get it with all the guys wanting it too.

Everyone started talking about what part the want. "Hyung and yuki what part do you want?" Jungwon leaned towards us "I'm sure everyone wants part one  other than that I'd say two to four are equally good" jay said "I just want a part that's center more than once" I said unsure

We had seven days to perfect it and perform it. It's stressful but nothing I can't do. I had to do the same thing by three days when I was 11 till I was 14.

I zoned out while the guys started talking about how to make our score good enough for people to not get kicked out.

Just by watching it I got the main part down. Jungwon saw me lightly copying them too which he made fun of me for it.

I went to practice immediately. I got the main part of the dance down within three minutes. I got the main part of the song down in a few minutes too.

I practiced solo so no one knew and I didn't want anyone to. That was until they made us all practice together.

I was love singing and dancing next to Niki. Which we both got down the whole dance unlike anyone else.

"Niki is so good"
"Niki how are you so good"
"Wah niki"

I was glad my brother was getting known for his hard work but what about me. I got the whole song and dance down unlike anyone else here.

I put on a fake smile because I knew if I even frowned the slightest seon would complain and make it the biggest deal in the world.

"Yuki! Thats amazing! You know the whole song and dance! And while dancing you sang live! And have a stable voice!" Jungwon exclaimed loudly making all the attention go to me

"That's because yuki has experience in those stuff . She used get a whole song and dance down in three days since she became a trainee four years ago" seon said blankly

"That's even more expressive! You were only 11 and you had to do that?!" Jungwon said amazed "Yea it's not really anything special or anything to flex about" I waved it off with smile

"Teach me the dance yuki" jungwon begged "i will I pinky promise" I said holding out my pinky which he interlocked his own pinky with

"Let's take audition to be judged to get our parts.. part one needs to know how to do high notes and a stable voice" seon said which we all agreed to though it wasn't like we had much of a choice

"Hands up if you want part one" Hesseung said

"I'd there no body? Should I count to one? Five,four, three,two,one" Daniel said to where no one raised their hands still

"Then does anyone want to recommend anyone?" Hesseung asked

Sunghoon and youngbin both had one. It was Hesseung himself. Everyone started laughing and agreeing.

I was envious of Hesseung for that

"Does anyone disagree?" Seon asked

I was a bit hesitant if I should or shouldn't

"Yuki, I recommend yuki" jungwon Said Making me whip my head his direction"she got the whole song down and is able to sing live with a very stable voice while doing a heard dance" jungwon explained

"Part one needs Leadership yuki doesnt have any" seon said bluntly "I do you just always have to have a different opinion and argue with me" I gave him a glare "I don't want part one anyways so I don't care" I said leaning on my hands which were on the floor behind me

"What part do you want?" K asked "four I can deliver the message if i have part four" I said " I get part one and yuki gets part four" Hesseung said making us all shocked

" I agree I think yuki can do good if she's part four. If she's hidden in the back we won't get a good score but if she's shown and does good like always we'd get a good score" Hesseung had his reasoning

"Thank you" I bowed my head to show my thanks

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