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"Princess we arrived" I opened my eyes and I smiled at Esteban "You slept in the whole way"

"I was tired" I smiled and I kissed his lips gently

"Let's go to the hotel and cuddle" Esteban helped me stand up, we walked downstairs of the jet into a car that was waiting for us and a few minutes later we were to Hilton Hotel in Montréal

As we arrived to our floor I heard Esteban's name and we both turned, it was Lance Stroll

"Hello mate!" Esteban giggled

Esteban and Lance had a bro hug and the Canadian looked at me

"So you are the girl that stole his heart!" Lance giggled a bit

"I'm Sophie! Nice to meet you!" We had a handshake

"And I'm Lance! Welcome to Canada!" Lance said smiling

"What are you doing here mate? I didn't know that we're going to share a hotel with Aston Martin" Esteban said

"Last minute decision but here I am!" Lance said "So we are in the same floor! Be a good boy at night! We have a race as well"

"He'll be don't worry!" I laughed softly

"See you on Thursday mate!" Lance said "Sophie!"

"Bye!" I waved at him

"See you" Esteban said

Lance walked away and Esteban and I walked into our room

"He's so funny!" I giggled

"You find him funny baby girl?" Esteban placed his hands around my waist

"Not as funny as you!" I bit my lip

"Thanks!" He kissed my lips "Do you want to have a pizza and movie night? Hilton Hotel has amazing pizza"

"Sounds so good  and relaxing!" I smiled softly "But I need a shower! And you'll join me"

"I will" Esteban winked at me

Esteban and I had a shower together and it was so amazing, after that we changed into pyjamas and covered by the blankets in the king size bed

"I will order two pizzas, one pepperoni and one margarita" Esteban said "Do you want beer?"

"Beer it is" I agreed

"Good" Esteban grabbed the hotel phone and he called for room service

The night was so good, we had pizza and we watched a movie on Netflix

The next day found us in the gym, I was running and Esteban was on the weights

We'll meet Mick for lunch today and we both know that we'll have so much fun

After our training we walked upstairs to our room for a shower and then we met Mick in a beautiful restaurant

"Will Laila come in Austria?" I asked

"Yeah she will come! She's so excited that you two became besties! I can see that you are excited as well" Mick said

"Laila is such a good bestie and I love her! We're having so much fun!" I giggled

"I'm happy that you make new friends" Esteban kissed my hair "Love it"

"Thanks" I smiled

"Why we're not going all together on summer vacation?" Mick asked

"Yes!" Both Esteban and I said together

"Oh" I stopped smiling "I'm getting married to Casper" I sighed

"Until August we'll find a way to break up with him!" Esteban squeezed my hand "Now let's think some ideas and then Sophie will book with Laila the hotel and tickets"

"Actually we'll travel private, we can rent a jet" Mick suggested

"I agree" Esteban said "Where to?"

"Sardinia" I smiled "I really want to go there and actually have fun without worried about paparazzis"

"We can go there with a yacht from Monaco and if you want we can travel around the European Mediterranean countries" Mick said

"Deal!" I said "I hope Laila will love the idea"

After our lunch Esteban and I were back to our room, my mom called me

"Hey mom" I said

"Hello baby! How's Canada?"

"Mom it's amazing! We just had dinner with Mick and we had such an amazing view from the restaurant" I stopped talking and I froze

"I knew that you would go with Esteban there and I'll support you to it, don't worry" My mom said "I just want you to be careful and find a way to get rid of Casper for your own good"

"I'm happy with Esteban" I smiled softly

"And you'll keep being! I will try to think something as well! I want to be safe and have fun in Canada! Okay?"

"Okay mom"

The Princess of Liechtenstein Where stories live. Discover now