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Esteban avoids me so badly and I hate it

I just realised the big mistake that I did

But when we met I was scared and I didn't want to let him know who actually I am!

My dad told him stay in our house for the night and he agreed

"Sophie will take you to your bedroom" my dad said

I looked at Esteban and we both stood up

"Have a great night" Esteban said

"You too" My dad said

"Good night" I said as well

Esteban and I walked upstairs without even talking, we arrived to the bedroom he'll stay and I opened

"Here is your bedroom, the door there is the bathroom and if you need anything during the night my bedroom is from the left side as you go out" I sighed "Good Night"

"Why did you lie to me?" Esteban asked and I turned to him

"I didn't lie you, I just didn't tell that I am the-the Princess of Liechtenstein" I said

"At least" Esteban closed the door and he walked to me "Why?"

"Since I watched you for first time, I didn't know what to do! What to say! I saw a handsome man and I was like wow, why I haven't come earlier here? Some people hate the fact that I am a Princess! And I thought that if I would tell you that I am the crown Princess of Liechtenstein you would push me away and I wouldn't have the advantage meet you!" I was crying "You have to believe me"

"I believe you don't cry" Esteban gave me a hug "I don't have any problem that you are the crown Princess of Liechtenstein! My feelings for you can't change because of that"

"You mean it?" I asked between my sobs

"I absolutely mean it! You are an amazing girl Sophie" Esteban grabbed my head and cleaned my tears with his finger "Don't cry sweetie, you have such a beautiful face! Don't do that to yourself"

"You are such a good person" I giggled "I want you to do what you did in Switzerland"

"What?" He asked confused

"Meet me to the real world! I want to live like a normal person! I liked the days we spent there together and I want to repeat it" I said

"Get ready" Esteban said "Mick will meet us in Zurich"

"Zurich?" I asked confused

"You want me to meet you in the real world! We are going on a club in Zurich with one of my best friends and his girlfriend! Get ready! Zurich is an hour away, take training clothes into a bag" Esteban said "I will give you mine as well"

Esteban gave me tracksuits of him and training shoes into a plastic bag

"Okay" I giggled

I walked in my room and I did what Esteban said

I wore a dress, but also placed training clothes and shoes into a Tote and what Esteban gave me

I walked out of my room holding my phone 

"Any back exit?" Esteban asked

"Follow me" I said

We left from the exit of the kitchen and we started walking somewhere

"I called a rent car company and I'll take a car until tomorrow" Esteban said

A woman was waiting for us, I stayed a few metres behind wearing a puffer with the hood on

Esteban made me a sign go there, we walked into a black Jeep

"Do you like the illegal things?" Esteban asked laughing

"What we did is absolutely amazing!!" I said laughing

"So Mick booked a table to the club in Zurich, he's already there with his girlfriend, Laila" Esteban said "Ready?"

"Ready" I agreed

An hour later we were in Zurich, I walked with Esteban at the club

A blonde hair with blue eyes guys and a beautiful woman with blonde hair with some broke highlights were waiting for us

"Mick!" Esteban said and they had a hug

"I'm Laila!" The woman said and we had a quick hug

"I'm Sophie!" I said smiling

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" Laila said

"You look cute too!" I replied

"Hello Sophie!" Mick said smiling "I've heard so many things about you but never seen you!"

"I hope just good things!" I said laughing

"Of course yes!" Mick replied

We walked into the club and the girl in the entrance told us where our table is

"Do you want us to take a bottle?" Mick asked

Esteban looked at me

"Sophie?" He asked

"From me it's yeah" I said smiling

We ordered a bottle of Vodka, cherry juice and lemonades

We started drinking and I can tell that I am a good drinker!

"You okay?" Esteban asked to my ear

"Totally!" I said laughing

I had the best night of my life

At night we stayed at one hotel, it was a double room with two beds

"Can I sleep wearing just my underwear?" I asked and I took off my dress

"Yes you can" Esteban said looking at my body "Nice body"

"Thanks" I giggled "Can we turn on the hot air because it's cold?"

"Yeah sure!" Esteban opened the hot air

"Good Night" I kissed his cheek

"Good night princess" Esteban kissed my forehead

The Princess of Liechtenstein Where stories live. Discover now