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"Get up now!" My dad yelled at me

I was comfortable enough to my bed to stand up

"No" I just said

"Arthur" My mom touched his arm "Don't talk to her like that!"

"Why? She's my daughter and I can talk to her like I want!" He said madly

"Sophie is 23 years old and old enough to make her own decisions! She's with someone else and she can't merry Casper!" My mom defended me

"And I don't care! She'll be the Queen of Liechtenstein and I can't let her marry a Formula 1 driver!" My dad said madly

He's right

"You're right" I stood up

I need to convince myself that he's right and then I'll find a solution

"I'm going to get ready" I said

My dad kissed my hair

"That's my girl" he said

I took a quick shower and I looked at my toiletry bag, I grabbed the small box with ketamine and I took three of them

The only way to be fine right now

The hairdresser and makeup artist came to get me ready for my engagement

I texted Esteban

S:I couldn't do anything

E:Don't worry, engage him now and we'll find a way to be together, I promise

S:What if I'll have again a panic attack?

E:You won't! You have to control them!

S:I will be in Paris tomorrow

E:I'll wait for you in the airport, I'm so sorry about what has happened to you

S:I'll be fine, don't worry

I closed my phone and I looked that I am ready for the engagement

I wore a dress, pumps and my tiara

I feel so dump right now

"Are you ready, sweetie?" My mom asked me

I nodded

I walked out of the room, my dad was there

"You're looking absolutely beautiful" My dad said and he kissed my forehead

"Thanks" I just said

We walked in the car and then to the Palace, I don't want to go there and got engaged with someone that I don't even like and the last time we met and he touched me I threw up

The engagement started and I was feeling absolutely a mess, Esteban races in the other side of Europe and I'm in Denmark instead of Spain

When he placed the ring on my finger everyone started clapping their hands

I wanted to throw up again but I had to stop myself

As the engagement ended I walked in the bathroom and threw up again, I was crying on the floor of the bathroom

I grabbed my phone to watch how Esteban is doing, he's currently P9 and that's amazing, he's into points

I walked out of the bathroom to my mother

"You okay" she asked stroking my forehead

"No" I whispered

"Oh dear"she gave her glass to Queen Ida and she took off her one glove "You have fever"

"I want to go home" I whispered

"We're going home, I don't care what your father says!" My mom said madly

My dad and King Erik walked to us

"What happened?" King Erik asked

"Sophie has fever" My mom said

"Dad I want to go home" I whispered

"Yeah I'm not risking your health! I will tell James take care of everything! Also we need to tell Casper that we're leaving" My dad said

"Why?" I asked

"He's moving with you in Liechtenstein" King Erik said

I need to be fine until tomorrow because I need to be in France to Esteban

"I think he has to move with us after the marriage" I looked at my mom

"Your father and King Erik decided that, I'm sorry" my mom said and I sighed

A few hours later I was to my bed looking at the wall and thinking of what can I do so I can leave Liechtenstein and go in Paris

I sat up

I have an absolutely amazing idea

The Princess of Liechtenstein Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat