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I looked at the time in my iPhone, 8 in the morning

It's my first day in Geneva and I have no idea what to do alone in a foreign country alone

"Hello" I looked at the boy that was standing next to me

He was tall and kind of cute

"Hello" I answered smiling, he probably knows me and he wanted to say hi

"I'm Esteban" The tall guy (probably French) gave his hand for a handshake

"And I am Sophie" I answered and we had a handshake "it's so nice to meet you Esteban"

"It's so nice to meet you Sophie" Esteban answered

He probably does not know who am I 

"Sit with me" I smiled at him

"Thank you" Esteban replied and he sat next to me "Why a beautiful girl is so alone?"

"Single trip in Switzerland" I said

"Then you need someone to show you around" Esteban answered

"Do you have any good suggestions?" I asked leaning my elbow against the table and then looking at his eyes

"I can show you around" Esteban said "It's good if you have a personal guide around here"

"You are such a cutie" I added "But I don't know you"

"Oh girl! You can ask google to confirm you that I am a good person" Esteban said

I grabbed my phone and she searched to the google just the name Esteban

"Ocon" I said

"Yes that's me" Esteban said

I found that Esteban is a Formula 1 driver for Alpine

"Well as I can see you are a good person" I let my phone on the table

"You? What's your job?" Esteban asked

"I study philosophy in University of Liechtenstein" I said

"Philosophy! Wow" Esteban was impressed "That's amazing"

"I know" I agreed laughing "When do we start?"

"And now if you want" Esteban said smiling

We both walked to Esteban's car and they jumped in

"Our first destination is the Ethnographic Museum here in Geneva" Esteban said and he started driving "it's 10 minutes away"

"You are the best" I said moving some hair from my eyes "How's the world of f1?"

"You know it's amazing some times but some times really bored! Now we have a few days break until the Grand Prix of Azerbaijan" Esteban said "I came back from Paris yesterday where I was three days for some meetings with my team"

"Alpine, right?" I asked

"Yes!" Esteban agreed

We arrived to the museum a bit later and we walked in after Esteban paid for the tickets

"I hope you'll like that" the French said

"I love art" I answered

We walked to the amazing exhibits of the museum and they had really fun

"Fortunately they are in German" I said laughing "I don't speak French"

"Really?" Esteban asked in shock

"But I play piano" I said proudly "And also dance ballet"

"Wow" Esteban said "And you also are really beautiful"

"Thanks!" I smiled softly

He showed me around the museum and I can tell that I like it

"Are you hungry?" Esteban asked "There is an answer Restaurant and I think that you'll like it"

"I'm so hungry!" I giggled "and yes we should go there"

We jumped to Esteban's car and he started driving to the restaurant

"I hope I will impress you by my choices" Esteban said

"I hope that too" I replied smiling "One more quick question! When is your next race?"

"The upcoming week in Monaco" Esteban replied "and I want to do everything possible to win"

"I wish that! I will watch you from my home in Liechtenstein" I answered

We arrived to the restaurant and I was impressed from the beautiful decorations

"I see that you are kind of impressed" Esteban said

"It's so beautiful" I smiled "You have such a good taste"

"I have" Esteban said looking at me

I blushed

"I didn't mean to make you blush! I'm sorry!" Esteban said feeling sorry

"I'm fine don't worry" I giggled "I would love come and attend one of your races"

"You can come in Monaco" Esteban said "Or in Barcelona after Monaco"

"Barcelona sounds good on me" I smiled

"So I need your phone to text you the details" Esteban gave me his phone "Save your number"

I saved my number to his phone and I gave it back to him

"So now that you met me it'll be hard to get rid of me" Esteban winked at me

How can he be so cute?

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