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The secret relationship between Esteban and myself can only create problems

But there is any relationship

We just kissed once and we haven't discussed anything about it

We walked with my parents out of the car, the royal family of Denmark was waiting for us

"Arthur!" King Erik said as he watched my father

"Erik!" My dad said laughing

"Hello my dear!" My mom said to the Queen of Denmark

"Christie!" Queen Ida said

"Hello Sophie" Casper said looking at me smiling

"Hi" I returned the smile

After saying our hello we walked into the palace, Casper was all the time next to me

We sat in the living room for a cup of tea, Casper sat next to me and we were talking

"Did you end your studies?" Casper asked

"No, on a year I will end" I replied "You? I heard that you studied Economics"

"Yeah I just ended" he answered

"Congratulations! Sounds interesting" I said

"It is! Not as interesting as you are" Casper winked at me

Thank God we're whispering

"Oh" I blushed "Thank you Casper"

"So you are the future Queen of Liechtenstein" Casper said

"Yeah I am and it's okay" I giggled softly "You're coming third to the crown of Denmark, right?"

"Yeah my older brother will take the crown" Casper said

I looked at the time, the qualifying starts

I really want to watch Esteban racing but I also have Casper and I need to be polite and not using my phone

"Ever been in Paris?" Casper asked

"Yeah, I will go on Monday there with a friend" I answered

"I want us have a trip together" Casper said

I'll throw up

"You are really beautiful" he touched my hand but I grabbed my hand away

"Excuse me, I want to use the bathroom" I really want to throw up

"You okay darling?" Queen Ida asked

"I want some water to wash my face I'll be fine" I said

A maid walked me until the bathroom, I threw up in the toilet

I absolutely hate it

I need Esteban right now and I need to spend more time with him

But fortunately we're staying in a hotel for the night

I grabbed my phone from my bag, Esteban didn't make it to Q2 so I decided call him

"The only thing I need to hear is your voice after this shit qualifying" Esteban said

"Esteban" I whispered crying softly

"Oh dear" He sighed "Did he do something to you?"

"He just touched my hand but I find it disgusting! I can't stay here any longer!" I said

"There is no way find a way come in Spain?" Esteban asked

"No! And I don't want be around him! It makes me sick!" I sighed

"Try and avoid any conversation about a wedding! I know that you don't want it" Esteban said

"I want you" I whispered

"I want you too idiot! But right now there is anything we can do! At least..." Esteban stopped talking "Laila is in Copenhagen! Tell that she's sick and you have to go there and help her"

"They won't let me!" I sighed

"I don't find any other way! I want you to be calm and breath! Okay?" Esteban said

"Okay" I nodded

"Go back there and you are a grown woman! Tell them that you don't want to marry him" Esteban said

"Okay" I smiled "Bye"

"Keep me updated" Esteban said

I hanged up and I walked back in the living room

"You okay now?" My dad asked

"Yeah thanks" I sat next to my mother

"Darling go to Casper!" Queen Ida giggled

Like I want to marry your son

"I'm comfortable here" I said squeezing my mother's hand

"Yeah better if she sit here" my mom defended me

The afternoon was long but back in the hotel I felt peaceful again

Of course I prefer being with Esteban right now but and like that I'm fine

I hope Casper and our families realised that I don't want to marry him and stop pressuring me

My door opened and it was my dad

"In August you're marrying Casper" I stood up

"No?" I said madly

"And why no, princess?" He asked "is there anything else I need to know? Like you're dating Ocon?"


"Photos of you and him are all over the internet!" My dad said madly

I started crying

"I'm not gonna marry Casper!" I yelled at him crying

"It's not in your hand! Get ready, tomorrow it'll be your engagement" My dad slammed the door behind and I stayed inside just staring at the closing door

I grabbed my phone to call Esteban

"Your father watched the photos?" He immediately asked

"I will engage Casper tomorrow" I started crying even harder

"Hey! Hey! Breath!" Esteban said

My whole body was in the ground against the wall and I couldn't breathe, my whole body was shaking

"Sophie!" Esteban said madly "Ma chérie please breath"

Esteban was trying to help me breathe from the phone and I made it

"What was that?" I asked

"You had a panic attack" he sighed "it's okay don't worry you are the only one that can help yourself! I will try help you as well but you have to help yourself as well ma chérie"

The Princess of Liechtenstein Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz