Gear Me Up #2: Bad and Badder

Start from the beginning

"Do you really think you're just a duty call to me?"

I stubbornly trained my gaze on the floor, still refusing to meet his eyes.

"Look at me." He commanded, which left me no choice but to obey. He held my gaze intently, demanding an answer with his eyes. There was so much in them — disbelief, hurt, anger... I couldn't tell which one he felt the most. So I gazed deep into them, studying and rethinking all that I'd known about him for the past seven years.

How could I have been so wrong?

"What do you think I am, heartless?" He fumed. "Do you really think—"

I wrapped my arms around his neck, cutting him off with a hug. I've been such a fool. I exhaled slowly, closing my eyes after furiously blinking away my tears. "I'm sorry, Donghae. I... I was an idiot. All this time, I thought that you were doing things you didn't want to and couldn't wait to get me out of your life. I jumped to conclusions. I'm so sorry."

A few seconds passed before he returned the hug, embracing me silently. "Don't be." He released me a while later, holding me by the shoulders with an impenetrable resolution in his eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you. If that bastard Kang Dae tries anything again, I'll rip his guts out."

He really cares, so much more than I thought. Despite the constant tension between us, I'd always admired his guts and capabilities. He was bold, sharp and concise, always hitting the nail on the head. Nothing ever seemed to faze him, and he'd take charge before anything could go south. And if some idiot pushed his buttons, he'd crush them to death without giving zero fucks.

"I'll grab some popcorn."

He smirked, a tinge of affection in his eyes I'd never seen before. He was about to say something, but I grabbed the hem of his tank top. "Promise me. That you won't jump in front and take a bullet for me like that again. You scared me to death, do you know that?"

His gaze sharpened, telling me there was no room for negotiation. "I won't watch you die in front of me."

"Please." I begged, my voice barely a whisper. "I-I can't lose you too."

"You won't." His grip on my shoulders tightened, and his voice filled with conviction. "I promise."

I nodded, praying with all my heart that it wouldn't be broken.

A few hours later

What the... Dino had booked a room for us in one of the motels Heechul owned and not only was it the biggest one, but also excessively red and suggestive. What the hell does he think we're going to do in here?!

 What the hell does he think we're going to do in here?!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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