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WARNING: Lisrene, Twice JihyoxLisa, age-gap, exhibitionism, humiliation, sex toys

Lalisa's father owned the old hotel.

It was somewhat small. Only 5 floors. It had been with their family for several generations. Lalisa's father lived there as he ran the place and Lisa grew up there as well.

After briefly moving away for college, Lisa had returned to the hotel while looking for a job of her own. She was always happy to help her father and enjoyed meeting new people here. The other upside was, she got to live in a nice room for free.

One day, Lisa was bored as she sat behind the counter. She read a fashion blog on her phone to pass the time.

That changed when her father came to her with a smile on his face.

«I have a surprise,» he said.

She looked at him with a bored expression. «More errands to run?»

«Don't be sarcastic. I've got big news and I've waited before things were confirmed before I could tell you about it. A big Hollywood studio wants to film scenes for a movie here. They looked at our hotel and decided it was right.»

She was taken aback. «Wow. How come I didn't know about this?»

«The director came a few months ago to scout for locations while you were still at college. It's going to be a horror movie.»

«Who's the director?»

«Take a guess. It's someone who's apparently very famous.»

She put her phone down, getting interested. «Hmm... Well I've read that a number of horror movies are in development. Is it Nolan or Fincher?»

«Someone named Le Chifere. Have you heard of him?»

Lisa's eyes widened. «Did you say Le Chifere?»

«Tall guy, kind of old, thick mustache. Speaks with a French accent.»

«Very cool! I think he's an incredible director. One of the best who's ever lived.»

«So I've heard,» he replied. «Anyway, I just got the confirmation. They'll be here next month for a three week shoot. Many of the cast and crew will also be staying here during that time. We'll be very busy.»

«Great for business. Do you know who's starring in it? Anyone famous?»

He smiled, «A little known actress named Irene. Sound familiar?»

Lalisa's eyes grew even wider. «Please don't joke around like this. I'm serious. If this is a joke, then it's not funny.»

«Would I joke about something like this?»

«Remember when you said you bought me a magical unicorn?» she reminded. «I couldn't stop crying when I found out that it wasn't true.»

«Lali, you were 12. That was ten years ago. You still remember that?»

«Some scars never heal,» she said with a playfulness to torment her loving father, in a way that only a daughter can do on purpose.

«Well, I'm telling you the truth.»

He reached for the phone in his pocket and searched through it. Then he showed Lalisa a picture, which was of him with Irene.

«Oh my god,» she gasped. «And Irene will be staying here?»

«She'll be on the top floor. The luxury room.»

«For the entire three weeks?»

«For as long as they film here,» he nodded. «That's the plan.»

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