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WARNING: Lisoo (Jisoo g!p), bdsm, exhibitionism, degradation, threesome, group sex

Chapter Thirteen - Lunch at the Office

It's been several weeks since the business meeting. Jisoo had made good on her promise to get Lisa some piercings. She had decided to get her nipples and her clit hood done. While it limited rough play for at least a month, it did little to interfere with their D/s relationship. Lisa still did her daily rituals. Jisoo was kept sated and happy with her arraignment. Time seemed to go by rather quickly though. The end of their contractual arraignment was growing near. Neither was sure what would happen then.

During the past month, they had played many games. Jisoo always found ways to challenge her young submissive. They had gone out to dinners, where she teased her incessantly. She had her wear the BenWa balls out dancing one night. She worried that she would pass out before she scooped her up and brought her home to ravish over and over. She continued her anal training and Jisoo took her there almost every night. She'd grown fond of pleasing her with her tight hole. Her toned Kegels acted like a pulsing suction cup, milking her to the point where she could stand it no more and would release into her bowels over and over again.

It was Friday morning and Jisoo was doing her final inspection before leaving for work. She stood at the foyer of her penthouse and marveled at how far her 'fuck toy' had progressed in her training. Every move was graceful and practiced. The few times he had people over, her adherence to protocols had been flawless. Jisoo had trained many submissives in her years as a Domme, but never one so perfect. She wasn't sure how she would do without Lisa there. That time was rapidly approaching, but as she stood there admiring her form, she was lost in her beauty. Her pierced nipples stood erect, begging for attention. When she'd placed her butt plug in, her clit was exposed and swollen with need. Jisoo liked the way her piercings kept her ready to please her.

«Ma'am, my birthday is Saturday. I wondered if this slave could make a special request?» Her eyes down, her voice a shy little whisper.

«Absolutely my pet, anything you want. By the way, how old are you? I can't believe I've never asked before now.»

«I'll be 24 Ma'am.»

«My God, you're nearly half my age.» she shook her head. «So what would you like to request?»

«Silly Mommy, age is just a number.» she smiled. «Ma'am, Rosie keeps telling me about a club that her and her Mistress go to. If it pleases you, I'd like to go there.»

«You mean Rose Noire - Black Rose? I don't know my pet. I haven't been there in several months. I'm not sure you're ready for that.» her voice edgy and terse.

«Please Mommy? I've heard so much about it.» She nuzzled her thigh as she begged.

Jisoo nervously tapped the side of her pant leg. She had distanced herself from the club since she'd been with her because she was well known there. As much as she'd like to get her to a club setting and see how she would perform, she wasn't sure if she could handle it. But she thought it over a few more minutes. «Ok my pet, if you insist. We will celebrate your 24th birthday at the club. I will contact Jennie and let her know we're coming.» she ran her fingers through her hair.

«Who is Jennie, Mistress?»

«She's the co-owner and Rosé's Mistress.»

«Thank you Mommy. I look forward to it.»

«Since I'm doing this for you. I want you to come bring me lunch today at the office. You will wear only thigh highs and heels. You may wear a coat to cover yourself until you're inside the office. Be there promptly at noon. Am I understood?»

LisBottom (BDSM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora