("I don't think we should be eavesdropping on them like this,") Seth commented, but he continued to listen nonetheless.

("Who says we're eavesdropping?") Tricc frowned. ("We just happen to be in the same room as them.") He defended his actions as if solving a murder mystery.

("Idiot,") Kurt mumbled.

"It was a hopeless trip. I searched all the databases I could find, even went to Angel's home address, but I was met with this skinny-looking guy who questioned me like I was a lost child seeking help!" Bogo replied, slumping down on a sofa beside Naam.

("Angel? Isn't that your name?") Tricc asked, staring at Seth. ("I think they're looking for us,") he added.

("Yeah, I figured, but why?") Seth asked, feeling skeptical.

("I don't trust that woman,") Kurt admitted.

Tricc raised his eyebrows as if Kurt had confirmed his own suspicions. ("Me neither,") he added.

Seth observed the two as they continued to chat. ("What about the big guy?") he asked.

Kurt shrugged. ("No, he's a mindless little puppy, ever loyal to his master. I can smell the loyalty in him.")

Nodding, Tricc replied, ("You've always been the better judge of character among the three of us, so I'll believe you... but seriously, that doctor lady annoys me for some reason.")

("Everyone annoys you, Tricc!") Both brothers spoke simultaneously.

"How is he?" Bogo asked, glancing over at the bed where Dirk slept soundly.

"I think I finally did it..." Naam started.

("Yeah, she wishes,") Tricc bickered like a child, causing both Seth and Kurt to stare at him with raised confused brows.

"...He's better now, sound asleep. Although he briefly woke up and was crying the word 'More' for some reason before I gave him another shot and he fell asleep... he hasn't woken up since," Naam explained, rubbing soothing circles on her temple.

"That's a good thing, right?" Bogo asked, still worried for his boss.

"Of course it is. His fever is down, the pheromones are gone, and he's asleep... what could be better than that?" Naam jokes.

("You, out of this room and out of his life!") Again, Tricc bickered.

("Seriously, what is the matter with you?") Kurt asked, smacking the man-child on the head.

("I told you she annoys me!") Tricc snaps and smacks Kurt back in return.

Grunting, Seth eyed the two angrily, ("Stop it you two!") He warned. ("God, I can not believe how so very little you both have grown over the years!")

("Look who's talking,") Snaps Kurt and Tricc, but at least now they stayed silent.

Bogo forced a smile, nodding as her reassurance seemed to ease his mind. "Well, I should go check the surveillance footage and make preparations for a sealer to seal the perimeter... Boss's instructions," Bogo said.

Naam yawned and began to stretch out on the sofa. "Alright, Bogo," she replied as she lay down. "I'll just fall asleep here, so I can keep a close eye on him if he wakes up again."

"Call me if you need anything," Bogo told her, and Naam nodded sleepily, her eyelids drooping.

He left the room, his steps heavy. It was their cue to leave as well and get to work sealing the villa. Once their seals were in place, no one else could tamper with them or add another seal.

Their job was simple: keep Dirk safe.

But first, they needed another look at their sleeping mate.


The brothers waited until they were sure Bogo had left the room before making their move. Silently, they approached the bed once again, their eyes fixed on Dirk's peaceful sleeping form. The bond between them pulsed with a renewed intensity, reminding them of their duty to protect and care for their mate.

Kurt reached out and gently brushed his fingers against Dirk's cheek, relishing the softness of his skin. "He looks so peaceful," he whispered, his voice filled with both awe and longing.

Tricc nodded, his gaze never leaving Dirk's face. "We have to cherish these moments," he said softly, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "We've waited so long for him, and now that he's here, we can't let anything or anyone take him away from us."

Seth, usually the more pragmatic of the three, couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion as he gazed down at Dirk. "You're right," he said, his voice husky. "We need to earn his trust, show him that we're here to love and protect him. We can't let our own desires overpower what's best for him."

Kurt nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "We need to be patient and understanding. Dirk has been through so much, and we can't rush things. We have to prove to him that we're different, that we'll never hurt him like others have."

As they stood there, lost in their thoughts and emotions, they were startled by the sound of a soft moan coming from Dirk. Their hearts quickened, and they leaned in closer, their ears attuned to any sign of distress.

Dirk shifted in his sleep, his brows furrowing slightly. A troubled expression passed over his face, and he let out another moan. The brothers exchanged worried glances, their instincts urging them to provide comfort and reassurance but remembering they couldn't give him any more of their pheromones, Tricc acted fast.

He gently stroked Dirk's hair, his touch feather-light. "We're here, Jellybean," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "You're safe now. Everything will be alright."

Seth reached out and took Dirk's hand in his own, his touch grounding and steady. "We won't let anything harm you," he vowed, his voice filled with assurance. "You're not alone anymore, Dirk."

Kurt leaned in, his lips brushing against Dirk's forehead. "We love you," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "Please trust us, Sweet Prince. Together, we'll heal and build a future filled with love and happiness."

As if responding to their words, Dirk's features gradually relaxed, his breathing steadying. The tension in the room eased, replaced by a sense of hope and possibility.

"We're making progress," Seth said softly, his voice filled with quiet optimism.

Tricc nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes, we are. And we won't stop until Dirk knows without a doubt that he's cherished and adored."

With that, the brothers reluctantly pulled away from the bed, leaving Dirk to rest peacefully. They knew there was much work to be done, their journey to earn Dirk's trust was only just beginning. But they were filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Side by side, the brothers left the room, their focus now on sealing the villa and ensuring Dirk's safety.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat)Where stories live. Discover now