Episode 3: Kill the Authority

Start from the beginning

Girl: Huh? You're still undecided about joining?

Leone: That's right... Sheele, give him some words of encouragement, will you?

Sheele: Hmm... Now that you know our base's location... If you don't join us, you'll be killed.

Y/n:  I would count that as Encouraging.

Tatsumi: The encouragement's moving me to tears...

Sheele: You should consider this very carefully.

She says as Tatsumi looks at the book sheele is reading.

Tatsumi: "One hundred ways to cure being an Airhead". It really is an assembly of weirdos...

Girl: HEY! Wait a second, Leone.

She says as Tatsumi, Leone and Y/n looks behind them as they see girl with pink hair.

Y/n: Here comes tsundere.

Girl: Why are you letting him into the hideout? And who is the other person?

Y/n: Oh right, she didn't saw my face since i was already dressed as shadow at maison so she doesn't know.

Leone: Because they're one of us.

Girl: I haven't approved him yet...

She says getting closer to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Wh-What is this?

Girl: Fail. You don't seem like you'd be able to fight with us professionals at all and thr other one too... Based on their faces.

Y/n: This girl! Oh just wait once you'll see who i really am, you'll take that back.

Tatsumi: What did you say, you...

Leone: Don't take it to heart. Mine treats everyone this way.

She says as camera switches to training grounds.

Leone: The training grounds here are good for stress relief. And over there, the one who looks like he reeks of sweat... That's Bulat.

Tatsumi: Amazing

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Tatsumi: Amazing... What a great form.

He thinks as Bulat creates a powerful shockwave sending the dust and wind behind his swing.

Bulat: Oh! You must be the kid from the other day and you must be shadow...

Tatsumi: How do you know who I am?

Y/n: He was the guy in armor, that's also how he knows I'm shadow.

Bulat: You're completely right.

He says giving Tatsumi handshake.

Bulat: I'm Bulat... Nice to meet you.

Tatsumi: L-Likewise.

Leone: He's gay.

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