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"RD. Check your surroundings and look to your left and right when you cross the road," Orion reminded the boy in front of him for the nth time who was busy reading a thick book on anatomy. Orion was eight and Randall was six.

With an annoyed grunt, Randall stopped in his tracks, adjusted his glasses, and turned to Orion with a sharp glare. "Stop pestering me, Orion. I'm memorizing the muscular system," Randall said with a huff, annoyed at Orion for following him around.

"Aren't you too young to be studying medicine? You're skipping too many levels."

Randall rolled his eyes. "That kind of mindset will not get you anywhere. If I start early, I will be able to finish early. I plan to become the youngest doctor and director of Hathaway Medical University," Randall said proudly and Orion smiled at that. He approached Randall and ruffled his hair, which the latter did not appreciate. "Urgh! Orion!"

"Fine. I will not bother you anymore, but you need to be careful, okay?"

Randall nodded sheepishly as he combed his mussed hair. When he saw Orion walking back to the mansion, Randall frowned. "Where are you going, Orion?" Randall thought that Orion would keep him company, and he felt irritated that the older boy was going to leave him all alone. "You are my bodyguard!" Randall screamed and stomped but Orion just took a quick glance and smiled.

"I'm going to get our snacks, young master, and by the way, I am not your bodyguard," Orion finally replied with a shake of his head, clearly amused with Randall's antics.

Still not appeased, Randall turned his back on Orion and clutching the book on his chest, marched to the other side of the road where he planned to continue his tantrum. He was mumbling in annoyance when a speeding vehicle and a series of honks caught his attention. Randall was rooted in place out of shock. He willed his limbs to move but he was paralyzed from fear. Randall closed his eyes shut and accepted his fate, but his arm was snatched and he was thrown to the side of the road.

Randall heard someone grunt and when he finally came to his senses, Randall saw Orion... drowning in blood. Orion was bleeding from the huge gash on his forehead due to the impact from the vehicular collision. Several grazes covered every inch of Orion's skin. "Orion... help!" In a loud voice he never thought he could muster, Randall screamed his lungs out and crawled to Orion's side, tears falling down like waterfalls.

Orion blinked but he could not move his body. He could hear loud ringing in his ears and a huge commotion, but he was disoriented from the accident. From his periphery, Orion saw Randall crying and screaming as he crawled his way to him.

"RD, why are you crying? I'm fine," Orion managed to say before he started to gurgle out blood.

Randall was horrified and scrambled to get to Orion's side and held the older boy's hand. "Don't close your eyes, Orion. Uncle Jin and Dad are coming. I read from a book that you must not close your eyes. I don't want you to die," Randall bawled and held onto Orion.

Orion frowned and tried to move his body but his limbs are paralyzed. He also felt as if something was lodged in his throat, making it hard for him to speak. "RD, what are you talking about? I'm fine," Orion assured Randall, despite difficulty in articulating the words.

Randall stilled and glanced at Orion's bloody form. "What do you mean? You are bleeding everywhere, Orion. How can you say that? Aren't you in pain?"

Orion blinked several times when his vision began to get hazy. "I'm alright, RD. I'm not in pain anywhere."

Fourteen years later.

The sound of my alarm woke me up from that nightmare. I grabbed my chest and I could feel my racing heartbeat. Cold sweat broke on my forehead and back, with my hands still trembling from that terrifying memory. Reaching for a glass of water, I downed it in one gulp and headed to the bathroom. I look horrible. Dark circles began to form and my face is losing its color. Almost thirty-six hours had passed and I only got a wink of sleep because the hospital was busy. I have been performing surgeries left and right and I am fucking exhausted. I want to go home and hug Pa, then eat his breakfast.

After washing my face and grabbing a protein bar from my table, I left my office and was about to head to the parking lot when I received a message. My patience snapped when I read it. With large strides, I headed to the emergency room, the medical staff sensing my urgency and voluntarily stepping aside, as I almost ripped the hospital curtain away when I reached the gurney.

"What the fuck, Orion!" I angrily hissed and from his phone, he transferred his attention to me. His gray eyes met mine and his lips cracked a full smile when he saw me.

"Randall! It's great to see you!"

Gritting my teeth, I took a few deep breaths before giving instructions to the nurse as I checked Orion's condition. "Shut the fuck up, Orion. This is the third time you visited the hospital in a month. What is it this time? I am exhausted and sleepy, so you better not push me," I angrily added and began to lift his shirt to check for open wounds or bruises. A sense of relief came over me when I found no serious injuries.

Maybe because of the sudden relaxation of my senses, I started to get dizzy and my vision began to blur. This is what I get for working non-stop. "No injuries or wounds. Good job."

Orion smiled. "Of course. I don't want to see you mad so I did my best, but I sprained my ankle earlier, on my way here," he casually added and I quickly removed his shoes. There was bruising around his ankle and it is starting to swell.

Getting mad over this is a waste of energy, so I just let him be. After gathering the supplies I needed, I carefully tended to his injury. " Are you alright? Feeling pain anywhere?" I blurted out the words before I could catch myself.

"You know the answer to that, Doc," Orion replied in a light tone.

"I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well." Fuck. What is wrong with you, Randall? Get it together.

Orion got up in alarm but when I threw him a sharp glare, he behaved like a chastised puppy and patiently waited for me to finish wrapping his ankle. "There, I'm done. I'm going home. I'll ask the nurse to wheel you out."

But before I can even take another step, my body wobbled and I passed out.

Wow. What a day.


Just a preview of Randall's story. :)

Out of Reach | 2nd Generation Series #3| MXMWhere stories live. Discover now