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'The root cause of misunderstandings are the assumptions that are concluded'

"Doctor she is fine right? It's a huge file and this is the first time I'm seeing it. Is it anything serious by any way? I have no idea what she had to go through. There will be ways to cure it right? I mean without drugs? Like I'm sorry if I sound rude but I believe the drugs damage the body equally in the process of healing. And... What about the pre... I mean we were married like four months ago with no courtship. The preg... I don't mean to disrespect but pregnancy?" Supreeth asked in a single breath until he stammered with the very last statement.

"Ummmm so sorry Mr. Joshi. Your wife was diagnosed with fibroids. She wasn't pregnant. Fibroids are benign, non cancerous. But here she is also reported with high stress levels and anxiety. I can imagine what she must have gone through. Fibroids aren't something that develops in such a young age. You really must take good take care of her. Just tend to her emotional needs as well", Dr. Shalini advised, smiling.

"If it is too early for her to develop fibroids, then why did she get them? I mean what are they? Why are they formed and where? I'm sorry I have no idea about medical field", Supreeth enquired. It was probably the first time he didn't know anything. It was like the viva he had to attend during his graduation.

"Ah, fibroids are actually the abnormal growths of the uterine wall, I mean the uterus. This usually occurs before menopause. There are many reasons for it's development, like early puberty, mental stress and many more. The symptoms also vary from one person to another. Not necessary that symptoms are seen too. But in your wife's case, I think it is excessive mental stress. I also recommend a strict diet and workout for her better health. The BMI is also high. I mean the weight to height ratio is high. You look fit. So I think you will take care of that" Shalini explained patiencefully.

"Oh... Okay. Sure doctor. By what time will she gain her consciousness back?" Supreeth enquired.

"Oh, I think she must have gained it already. And yes, no skipping meals. And preferably no fasting diets too. Her nutritional requirements is high. There are no good nutrients in her system. The stored fats must be utilised. Was she like this since childhood? Did puberty change her or marriage?" Shalini asked.

"As long as I remember, she have gained good pounds post marriage. She looked really slim during our wedding" Supreeth informed.

"Oh so is it due to the hormonal changes then? Or maybe even the D&C could do it.  Anyways, I hope she gets well soon. I'll visit her in the morning. I'll get you the diet charts too. Make sure her working atmosphere is suitable for her mental health too. If her anxiety and stress levels hit high, I will recommend therapy too. Take good care of her", Shalini said handing over the phone back to Supreeth.

"Thank you doctor. I surely will. But I guess she suffers a lot of pain during those days. I mean I have seen her using hot water bags all day long. Is it like okay for it to be so painful", Supreeth hesitated yet wanted confirmation.

"Oh yeah. Actually the cramps would have been more due to the D&C procedure. It will take around 6 months for her to get everything back to track. The procedure was done to remove her fibroids. I will recommend a few postures and tablets for the cramps then" Shalini replied.

"Thank you doctor. See you tomorrow" Supreeth left the cabin with a sigh of relief. So she wasn't pregnant. But why does he care? The reason of her being unwell was the best to send her back to her hometown. She could heal and lead her life the way she wants to so could he.

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