Chapter 10- Truth to Light

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     "What do we have here?" 

I spun around to see Francis standing by the stable doors. He had a cynical look on his face. 

"This is not the least bit surprising." Beau stood in front of me blocking me. "I always knew you were a woman of loose morals." He said. "Do not call her that ever again Francis you will regret it." Said Beau, holding my arm. 

"Francis listen to me." I said, my voice coming out in a mere tone. 

"You shall hold your tongue before I chop it out of your mouth you whore." 

Beau lunged for him and grabbed him by his jacket collar. "Call my wife to be that one more time I will end you right here right now." Beau was trembling, his voice came out harsher than nails. "Y-your wife to be?" Said Francis in a mocking tone. "She-" His voice trailed off as he saw Beau's ring on my finger replacing where his ring once was. 

Beau let Francis go as he struggled to find words. I reached out of my pocket and pulled out the gold ring Francis gave me. "I believe this belongs to you." I said, handing him the ring. He took it and examined it in the palm of his hand before placing it in his pocket. "You were never worthy of such riches." He said finally. "You deserve rags and dirt. That is what you will get with this scum." He started pacing around the stables muttering to himself. Beau grabbed me and pulled me in close in a protective embrace. 

Francis then broke. Without warning he kicked the bucket of water that was by his feet and lunged towards me. He grabbed me and threw me on the ground. 

Before I knew it Beau was tearing Francis apart. "Touch her one more time you bastard." He said in between blows. "You will regret your very existence." Throwing Francis against the stable door Beau rushed to me. "Are you alright?" He said in a worried tone. "No Beau I am fine." I said holding my stomach. "Is the baby okay?" He said. 

"Baby?" Said Francis. Beau helped me up and sat me down on a stool that was in the corner. "What is going on in here?" In walked Biddy shrieking. 

She looked at me and then at Francis's worn face. "Beau what did you do?" She said alarmed. "The bastard deserved it." He said. "What baby?" Francis screamed. His voice boomed and sent a chill down my spine. "Are you with child Rosella?" He said looking at me with disgust. "She indeed is." Said Beau. "And if it was not obvious the child is mine." Francis's face dropped. 

"Did you know about this?" Said Francis looking at Biddy. 

"Ay I did. Since the moment she found out. Couple weeks along I presume." Biddy knelt by me and held me. Francis then started to chuckle.

 "Oh well this is just wonderful." His laughter only progressed. "You are ruined." He said. "You really are a whore. Engaged to a man and making love to another. Whatever would your father think?" He leaned back against the wall, still on the floor. 

"I would rather be his whore than your wife." I said. "Perfect." Francis said. "That is all you are and all you will ever be." Francis struggled to his feet. "Wait until Irene and Cassius find out about this." He said. "It does not matter, as long as we are together." Said Beau. Francis snorted. Francis walked towards the stable doors and turned around once more to look at all of us. 

There was silence. "Whatever happened to your mother?" Asked Francis looking at Beau.

 There was an awkward echo and then silence. "What business is it of yours?" I said. "It is none of your concern." Said Biddy. Francis reiterated. "She passed away during childbirth." 

Said Beau crossing his arms. 

"Are you sure that is what happened?" Francis said. 

"I heard something different."

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