Rihanna had asked me out for dinner, she's my director so I agreed. What she failed to mention was that Beyonce would be present, just why? I had no problem with her but I felt like she was a business woman and took care of the financial proceedings, what business does she have always present be it celebratory dinner or this dinner.

"With the success of the movie, I wanted to talk to you about a sequel" I had to contain my excitement as Rihanna spoke.

I felt like the sequel was part of the initial plan and they wanted to see how the movie would do in the box office first. "I'd be honoured to continue telling the story of this woman" Rihanna seemed pleased with my reply.

I had yet to look at Beyonce, why was she here? Rihanna asked to be excused.

I couldn't stand the silence so I got up to leave "I don't bite" I stopped in my tracks and sat back down.

"You don't talk either" She had a smirk on her face. Rihanna came back just in time.

"Something came up, please enjoy dinner it's on me" no way in hell I'm staying, this woman's glare was enough to make my knees weak.

Before I could leave, food was brought to the table and it looked good, I'd be leave after eating.

We ate in silence, I even asked to be excused for a bathroom break. I took my sweet time in there, freshing up my makeup and appearance.

When I got back she got up "lets go" go where? Isn't it the part where we go our separate ways?

"Rihanna asked that I bring you home safe" her body guard opened the door for us. Never had I sat foot in such a luxurious car before.

The ride to my place was silent, her silence came across as rude. I'd imagine having to work for her with that attitude, I'd be fired on the first day.

"Is there something you want to say" I hadn't realised I was staring at her this whole time. I diverted my glance and got busy with my phone.

We finally came to halt and I was thankful to have arrived. I thanked Beyonce for the ride and got out, to my surprise she got out as well.

"What is it?" she came besides me with her intense stare "I'll bring you to your apartment" She got in and made her way to the elevator, is she always like this? Doing things without asking.

I followed behind, you'd think this was her place and I was visiting. Good thing Lauren was not home or I'd have some explaining to do.

Again, it was silent while inside the elevator. We made it to my door "this is me, thanks?" before I could get in, she held my wrist. I quickly looked at her puzzled and she let go "have a good night".

I couldn't get Beyonce out of my mind when she left. I pray that was the last time I had to be alone with her anywhere.

Beyonce Knowles

I arrived at my place and took a cold shower and let Rihanna know I had dropped off her star home safe. Not that she'd see any of my messages tonight. I knew too well it had something to do with Lauren, she's so in love with that girl but refuses to acknowledge it.

Onika was an intriguing woman, she seemed carefree and that's rare in this industry. Most stars who've been in the game for a while turn into divas, I'd hate for her to change.

I went to sleep and woke to my phone ringing nonstop. My employees knew not to contact me on a Sunday. Whatever it was must be important.

I got up and unlocked my phone only to receive countless of messages and missed calls. One from my mother caught my eye.

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