chapter 6. the big goons from iceland

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chapter 6.
the big goons from iceland
chapter song : watercolor eyes

the big goons from icelandchapter song : watercolor eyes

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"Wait, what?!"

Jennie's tone of distaste was clear in her voice as Dean had just told her that he and Fulton had seen Bombay out with the Iceland chick. "Wasn't he dating Charlie's mom last week? How the hell did he get a date with Iceland lady?"

Dean shrugged his shoulders hastily, his annoyance and irritation clear as day on his tensed face. "Hey, come on Dean, try not to let it bug yah, just because Coach is going to town, doesn't mean Iceland has anything on us."

He just nodded as she gently patted his arm, Charlie watched them with an annoyed look on his face. Watching Jennie's hand gently rise and fall from Deans shoulder while she stood by her locker.

Charlie shook his head, trying not too think to much about it, he knew she was still upset with him. Despite her instance that she wasn't, and maybe a year or so ago, he wouldn't have cared but this was different. This was now.

"All right, are we ready for warm ups? Let's go!" Bombay entered the locker room with a clap of the hands as the groups attention all went to him. Shouting and hollering at him for his new due. "He's stylin! Mr. Coach!"

Jennie sighed as Bombay got to the back table where her locker neared with Fulton and Dean. "Nice jacket. Did you get two pairs of pants with that?" Averman teased before joining Jennie while Dean and Fulton moved towards Bombay to antagonize him.

Jennie shook her head, heading over to Adam instead, Averman following her. "Adam, can you fix my braid, my hair won't stay down." Her twin nodded, pushing her to sit before he undid the already made braid. Quickly making another one and tying it back into place.

"Awe, you're so adorable, Adam." Julie teased the boy, who shot her a teasing glare, "Haha." Jennie rolled her eyes at the duo, though a smile on her face. "You're just mad, you don't have your own stylist, Julie."

"Yeah, mines back Maine." Julie placed a hand over her heart as Jennie stood up from her seat, about to take arms with Julie when Dean grabbed her. A little irritated from the Bombay situation, "He said he went to bed early, the dude lied to my face."

Dean rolled his eyes, Jennie pulled him away from Julie, who looked at her questioningly, "Well, he's an adult, I'm sure he doesn't want the teasing teenagers to know he had a date. Especially not with her."

"Are you on his side?" Dean questioned her in slight betrayal, Jennie pulled him along seeing the other boys looking at her confused. "No, he shouldn't date the enemy, that's art of war rule 1, but you can't expect him to air out his business."

Dean was still annoyed, but just nodded as he headed over to Fulton. Jennie huffed slightly, "This is gonna be a long day."

"Live from the Junior Goodwill Games. Tonight's matchup, Team U.S.A faces off against Team Iceland.-." "Cakewalk." Goldberg cut in to Averman narration, "Here with us, we have Greg Goldberg, goaltender, and Jennie Banks, scorer for Team U.S.A."

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