Chapter 7 The Special

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Weeks had passed and now it was Christmas Eve, Springfield was now blanketed in a thick sheet of white, and the snow just kept on coming down. Currently Jane was in her room still asleep as she had been up for most of the night reading holiday books. When she woke up and opened the curtains she saw the thick blanket of snow that covered the ground.

"OMG! It's Christmas Eve! My favorite time of year!" Jane exclaimed excitedly. She ran to Katie's cage and woke the white snake awake. "Katie! Katie! Wake up!" Jane called out.

"Hmm, what isss, it Jane?" Katie asked while waking up.

"It's Christmas! Come on, I wanna get up and hang out with my friends!" Jane exclaimed.

"Alright, Alright, I'm up." Katie groaned before slithering up Jane's arm and resting on her shoulders before going back to sleep.

Jane then immediately ran up to her closet and started digging through it. Soon she was dressed up in her black and white winter dress, black leggings, and her white boots. She then made her way down to the stairs to get her winter gear on so she could go out and play with her friends. When she got down stairs she saw the down stairs were decorated with Christmas decorations. She also saw her mom doing something on her computer, and her dad was on the couch reading the newspaper.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad." Jane said, getting her parents attention.

The two parents looked and saw their daughter standing at the steps, in her winter clothes. "Hey Jane, are you heading out to spend some time with your friends and Boyfriend?" Jane's mom asked.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna head to Springfield Christmas Festival! You know I love it and the snow land dance" Jane explained, full of cheer and Christmas spirit.

"Hehe, well your father and I are going to get some final stuff done here for when the family comes over tomorrow." Jane's mom explained.

"Alright! Let me know when you two need me to come home!" Jane explained before running up to the door.

She quickly got on her jacket, hat, gloves, and scarf before running out the door. When she left the house the cold and snow was immediately blown right into her and she shivered at the freezing temperatures.

"Wow, Okay it's freezing outside. Then again we get this all the time, so I shouldn't be surprised." Jane said to herself as she walked out of her yard and out into the neighborhood.

After leaving her house Jane got out her phone and called everyone in a video. "Hey guys you all up?" Jane asked.

"I'm awake, so Is Josh." Lila responded.

"Same here babe, just brushing my teeth." Erick explained as he finished combing his hair on his end.

"Me too, so I've just been playing games since I woke up." Jake said.

"I've been up for hours, my dad needed some help with the Snow Land Dance preparations." Ed explained.

"And I've been helping dad bake cookies!" Jenny exclaimed.

"My brother said he wanted to go out and buy a present for someone he wants to go to the dance with. However he hasn't told me who it is, he seems to be beyond nervous to do it." Hannah explained.

"Relatable, that's how I felt when I was trying to confess to Jenny." Ed explained as he remembered how much of a wreck he was when he wanted to tell Jenny how he felt about her.

"Yeah remember, and I found it cute how nervous you were." Jenny explained while giggling a little, which made Ed blush a little.

"Well do you guys wanna go to the Festival? It has wonderful treats and games! And I so wanna dance in Snow Land with you Erick!" Jane exclaimed. "Wow, I've never seen Jane this energetic before." Amanda said as she came into view on Hannah's shoulder.

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