Chapter 2 The Magic day

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A few week's have passed since the Squads had returned and they were now wandering around the city of Springfeild. They were with Iris, Marry, and the Royal children and showed them around the City. As they were wandering around, the Royal children and Marry all noticed strange decorations being put up in the city streets. The decorations were in the shape of pumpkins, bats, and figures that were white and had three black patches on its face. The Royal children, and Marry were all confused at the strange looking decorations that were placed on shops, apartments, and lamp posts.

"Hey guys, what's with the strange looking decorations hanging around the place?" Cen asked, confused.

"Oh their the decorations for Halloween, Springfield puts them up every year for the holiday. There's also a scar festival that happens every Halloween. We come into the city to celebrate it every year after we're done trick or treating." Jake explained.

"Ohh! That sounds fun!" Marry exclaimed.

"It is! Hey! You all can come with us! And you all can even remain in your true forms." Josh explained.

"What?! How come? Won't they find out we're not human?" Oberon asked, confused.

"Na they won't, they'll just assume you all are just kids in costumes. However you all won't be able to use your magic." Erick explained.

"Yeah cause if you do then they'll find out you all are real." Jane stated.

"Alright, I can work with that. Besides all my magical abilities are my sword. Us Amazons are just ten times stronger than the average human woman." Freya explained.

"Well just retrain yourself and we're all good." Hannah said.

"I don't make any promises, after all if I get attacked it's my natural instinct to use my full strength. However, I'll try to restrain myself as much as I can." Freya explained.

The group nodded in unison, happy with Freya's words and they hoped she would stay true to them.

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late." Everyone heard someone say.

They looked and saw Daniel walking up to them with some bags in his arms. The bags seemed to have food and decorations in them.

"Hey bro, what's that you got there?" Hannah asked.

"Mom asked me to get some groceries while I'm out, and my friend from school, Zack, is throwing a Halloween party at his place tonight. He would've done it on the actual holiday itself, but he's gonna be out of town with his family. Something about relatives wanting his family to be there for trick or treating. So he's having it a week early, as he'll be leaving next week." Daniel explained.

"Ah alright, I hope you'll have fun there." Hannah said.

"Thanks little sis." Daniel said, he then looked up and saw the Royal children.

"Hey who are they?" Daniel asked while pointing at the Royal children.

"Oh them? They are the Royal Children, they came here with us after we saved theri kingdoms from being overtaken by the Shadows." Lila explained.

"They're also going to help us in our mission to restore Iris's kingdom and stop Lucifer's army from doing the same to earth." Jake explained.

"Really? Cool, nice to meet you all, I'm Daniel." Daniel said introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Melody, I'm from the mermaid kingdom, Oberon he's a fairy, Cen a Centaur, Freya an Amazonion, and lastly Rowdy he's a troll. However Rowdy has no voice syndrome, or as you all call it mutism. So he speaks with sign language." Melody explained.

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