Chapter Eight

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It's been two weeks since you've tried to escape. After that incident, Sunghoon assigned a guard outside of your door so you couldn't try to escape again. So you're really trapped here. Your body is starting to get used to the hard hours of training though.

You sigh as you mentally prepare yourself to be stared down at dinner. He doesn't say anything, he just eats his food and stares at you, as if he's trying to figure something out. Then he leaves, which means you can leave. One night, you left before he did and he lost his temper, so you immediately sat back down in your chair.

You heard knocking on the door and you turned to see who it was as you headed to open the door. You opened it and saw Wonyoung. She gave you a bright smile. After the failed attempt of you trying to escape, Wonyoung comforted you. It was very nice to have someone actually understand you.

"Dinner is ready y/n! Master is waiting for you." She said.

"Thank you Wonyoung '' you smiled softly and started heading downstairs to the dining room. When you walked in, you saw Sunghoon sitting on the side of the table he usually sits at and you sit across from him. You quickly made your way to your seat and sat down. Sunghoon was already staring at you.

Chef Jin walked in and gave you your dinner, which was steak with mashed potatoes and green beans.(don't judge the meal)

You looked up at Sunghoon and waited for him to take the first bite since he thought it was rude for the guest to take the first bite or something like that. He just continued to stare at you and said nothing. He then said, "How's your training going?"

You were surprised because he never talked to you during dinner.

"I'm improving every day." you said confidently. He then smirked and said, "Is that so?"

You nodded your head.

"Then meet me in the training room at 8 am, I'll cancel your training and consider that as your midpoint check for your first test" He then continued to watch you, waiting for you to panic or show any emotion. You remain calm and confident and say, "Alright, I'll meet you at 8."

You watched him continue to smirk and look down at his food. He started to eat it, which signaled for you to eat. As usual, Jin's cooking was on point. It was marvelous. You both ate your dinner without saying anything else to each other. He then got up from his seat and walked away. You did the same and headed to your room.

When you reached your room, you suddenly felt a wave of sadness. You suddenly realize that you missed home. Yeah, it wasn't that great, but it was better than worrying if you're going to survive every day.

You changed into your pajamas and threw yourself on top of your bed. It's funny how no matter where you are, the bed is a comfort place for everyone. You didn't want to cry, you wanted to be strong. You buried your face in your fluffy pillow and started to cry softly, letting your emotions out for a few minutes. "No matter what, I'll make it out of here alive... even if that means killing you, Park Sunghoon."

AN: Hello! Happy Holidays!! Honestly, I wanna thank you so much for reading my story. I've been struggling with motivation to even continue to write it. In my opinion, I feel like it's just getting worse and worse so your honest feedback would be great!

Still Monster ~ Sunghoon + Y/N ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu