Chapter Five

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Sunghoon's POV

⚠️mentions of abuse⚠️

I decided to head to Seoul again this morning, not caring about y/n. It's not like she can try to escape -even if she wanted to- I'm just going to deal with her later.

For now, I'm going to make my public appearance. As I'm walking down the bustling streets of Seoul, I see a convenience store and walk inside. I look around and find chocolate milk. I grab some beef jerky and walk to the counter.

I set my things on the counter and wait to be cashed out, but no one appears. There's a loud thump above me, and a few more after that, then I hear a woman screaming and crying. She seems to be begging but I can't make out what she's saying. I start to use my super hearing.

"Please s-stop, I'll put it up for adoption... but please don't make me kill it." I heard a man laugh, and then hear a muffled scream. The crying stops and a few seconds later, a man walks down the stairs that were behind the counter, giving me a smile.

I immediately noticed the blood on his hands and a ring on his finger that was also covered in blood, and started to connect the dots. The woman he's with is pregnant, and I'm pretty sure he just stabbed her, probably trying to kill the baby. People like him deserve to die.

He quickly tries to rub the blood off his hands onto his pants and then he walks over and starts to ring up my items.

"3.99" I then take out my wallet and throw him a 5 dollar bill.

"Keep the change." He thanks me and then I have an idea.

"Do you smoke?" I ask in an inviting tone. He nods.

"Want to have a smoke with me out back behind the dumpsters? Running a store must be tiring" I say. He throws his head back, revealing yellow and missing teeth as he laughs.

He nods and starts walking out the back door, I follow him. As soon as we're behind the building, I punch him in the face, watching him widen his eyes and stumble backwards. He looks at me, shocked.

Before he can even do anything, I pull out a gun and say, "I heard what you did, fucker. People like you deserve to die" and then I point it at him and immediately pull the trigger, watching his figure fall to the ground.

I walk up to him and pick up his body, beginning to feed on him. After I finish feeding on him, I throw him on the ground, hoping that someone will find him. I walk away and decide what I should do to make a known appearance.

I decide to head back into the convenience store and walk up the stairs. I walk into a living room and see an unconscious figure lying on the floor and walk up to her. She is pretty.

She deserves better than to be with that jerk. I look down and notice a stab wound on her stomach, I see a pool of blood right beside her. She also has a few bruises on her arms and neck. I can't help but to feel bad for her.

I gently pick her up and carry her outside, taking her behind the dumpsters. I softly set her down and call ambulance. I then turn around and go into the back door. I find a piece of paper and pen.

I write: "I'm coming for you, Park Jay - Park Sunghoon" and then set the paper outside and stick it on the door. Then, I go back inside and grab my chocolate milk and beef jerky, stuffing it in my pocket.

I grab a match and some gasoline, emptying it on the ground. I light the match and drop it on the gasoline, causing it to erupt into flames. I quickly transform into my bat form and leave with a smirk on my face.

Still Monster ~ Sunghoon + Y/N ffWhere stories live. Discover now