Chapter Six

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You drag your feet up the stairs. The first day was tough, Jungwon is a nice guy but when he knew he had to do something, that's his main focus and nothing else. And that focus is you. Your arms are so sore from all the punching you had to do, and your legs from the kicks. Oh, and he made you work out. Let's just say your bed is the only place you want to be in right now.

You make it up the stairs and turn right, walking to your bedroom. As soon as you make it, you crash onto your bed, feeling the fluffiness of your blankets and your pillows instantly. You flip over on your back and close your eyes. At least you have meaning to your life now... sorta. You have a goal, and that is to survive in the place and hopefully not die when you meet Jay. That's it. Doesn't seem like much, but it's better than what you had before, which had basically no meaning.

You start to think about what would happen if you make it out alive, since you're gonna lose your apartment, and your job, but your thoughts get interrupted when someone barges in. You sit up to see who it is, and your arms immediately hate you for that, but as soon as you know who it is, you don't dare show any signs of pain.

Sunghoon looks at you with a cold expression. If anything, you'd think you pissed him off and you were going to face some consequences for it. You slightly start to panic, but you push it all aside.

"You should wake up at 5 am and get ready for the day. Then, have your breakfast by 5:45 and by 6, I expect you to be in the training room. Until 2. And if you don't, I'll kill you. After you finish, I want you to take a shower, because I don't want your sweat all over this place. It's disgusting." He looks at you with a disgusted look with his nose scrunched up.

"After that, you are to have your lunch at 2:45, and then you're free to do anything unless I say otherwise until 6:00 pm. At that time, I have dinner, and you are to be present so I can see that you haven't tried to escape. You are to not have your food brought up to your room by any means, and also, when you eat with me, have some manners. I hate it when people eat with their mouths open or eat loudly." he continued.

"After you eat with me, you head to your room and stay there until the next morning, for you to start the process over again. At the first of every month is when I'll test you to see if you're ready to take on Jay. You will have 7 tests only. And if you can't pass those, I'll kill you." You look at him shocked.

"So you're telling me I only get 7 months to learn all this shit that you're teaching me and basically survive?" you say, already feeling frustrated. He looks at you with an aggravated look and rolls his eyes as he moves in closer to you.

"Well, you did agree to this, so deal with the consequences, sweetheart." He just then smirks and then walks away. You look away, frustrated. Then you hear him at the door again.

"Also I don't want to hear such foul language from your mouth, respect your elders." He says. then walks away. You let out a sigh and then lay back down on your bed. Was he always like this? Maybe it would have been better to let him kill you in the alleyway, because that way you wouldn't have to suffer, you think to yourself.

You feel your neck and notice it's covered in sweat, and decide to get out of bed to take a shower. After your shower, you change into your clothes you had on before you had to change into your workout clothes. Maybe you should try to escape? And how would you even do that? Maybe Wonyoung could help you...


Wonyoung arrives in your room and she immediately says, "Yes miss?" You look at her and smile.

"Please close the door, we have important things to discuss." she looks at you intrigued and obeys your command, then she walks closer to you.

"What did you want to talk about?"

You look at her, "Can I trust you Wonyoung? I feel like I can."

She looks at you and smiles; she looks absolutely stunning while doing so. "Of course y/n, you can trust me."

You nodded and went straight to the point, "I want to escape, Wonyoung. I don't think I'll make it here." She looks at you with widened eyes, but she keeps her composure.

"You want me to help you escape?"

You nodded.

"How would you do that, miss?" She asks.

"You see, that's why I wanted to talk to you about it. I was wondering if you could help me with it?" She looks at you and just simply nods.

"I'll gladly help you! I don't blame you for wanting to leave either. Sunghoon is being really tough on you"


Okay. Wonyoung said that around 7 pm, Sunghoon would do his nightly walk in the gardens, meaning he wouldn't see you walk into the elevator to go back to Seoul. You're willing to risk this, you were going to lose your job and your apartment if you didn't do this. You look around the hallway and then run down the stairs. You look around one last time before opening the doors of the mansion, leaving them as you run to the elevator.

Still Monster ~ Sunghoon + Y/N ffWhere stories live. Discover now