Chapter Two

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Sunghoon's POV

I just finished my training. I walk over to the table and grab my towel to wipe my face and neck. After I finish, I set the towel back on the table and head to the other side of the room. I get my phone off the floor to check the time.

9:56 PM.

I nod, satisfied. That means I've been training for 5 hours. I put my phone in my pocket and grab the towel off the table, heading towards the door to leave. As I walk out, I see an annoying maid rush towards me. I give her an annoyed look. She approaches me and starts stuttering as she says: "S-sir, your father... he was killed."

I'm taken aback by what I just heard, and I looked at her, still keeping my face emotionless. "My father is dead?"

She just simply nods and says: " Park Jay's men ambushed him when he was feeding on someone."

I nod and toss the towel at her, walking away. I don't mind being in the mafia. In fact, I kind of like it if I'm being honest. You have control over people, and you can basically do anything you want.

But, I'm not just in the mafia... I am also a vampire. You see, as a vampire, you're immortal until someone stabs you in the chest with a wooden stake. This makes us practically invincible to anything.

All the mafia groups in Seoul are vampires. That's why we can never be killed by those measly humans. I head to my bedroom and when I reach it, I walk inside, seeing a bottle of blood on my bed. I walk past it and head to my bathroom to wash my face in the sink. I dry my face and go sit on my bed, grabbing the bottle of blood, drinking it.

I start thinking about my dad again. Well, if you even want to call him that. He would always beat me when I was younger. As I got older, they got worse. He wanted me to be the best of the best, and in his eyes, I wasn't even close.

My mother was killed after I was born. Weirdly enough, she was human. But that doesn't make me any weaker than a full blooded vampire. When I was born, instead of being fed my moms milk, I was fed blood instead. Which, in that case, made me a vampire. If a human and a vampire have a child for some reason you get to decide if it's going to be human or not.

My dad made the decision for me.

I have always suspected my dad of killing my mom. I've never seen a picture of her before. I bet she was beautiful. I am sure if she were here, she would be comforting me in some way. But, she isn't. And neither is my dad. I'm now alone.

I mean I have men to obey my every command, and they are loyal to me, but that's it. I have maids, but I find them all annoying. I honestly just prefer no one's presence, just myself. I finish my bottle and set it on my nightstand. I lay back in bed and decide to try to get some sleep. But before I do, I say to myself: "Finally at nineteen, I'm free."

I wake up at 7:00 AM. I get up and head to my bathroom to take a shower. After that, I quickly change and put on a face mask and a hoodie, and decide I'm going to head for a feeding. I've never been able to do that before. I head out of my room and leave the mansion.

It's more like a prison, since my father has never even let me go visit Seoul. I was always stuck here. But now that he's gone, I don't need to worry about him anymore. I walk down a path and find the metal doors that are basically an elevator. It just teleports you to Seoul.

My mansion is like a floating island in the sky. It's invisible to the human eye. There's a few others like mine; but not many. In Seoul, all the vampires work for mafias. It's some law my great great great grandfather made. I don't mind it though. It means I have power.

I open the doors and head inside the elevator, pressing the button. The doors immediately open a few seconds later. I head out of the elevator. I take note that I'm in a passageway. I start walking out of the passageway. It's poorly lit. Once I reach the end, I open the door and walk out.

I take another note that I'm in a dark alleyway, and I can't help to see my breakfast. It's a man who seems drunk and he's asleep next to the dumpster. I approach him, and pick him up. Before he gets a chance to fight back, I sink my teeth into his neck. He's too drunk to fight back, and after a minute, he goes limp.

After I finish drinking his blood, I carry his body to the dumpster and throw him in there. All of a sudden, I hear a whoosh. I sigh and turn around. I see another vampire.

"Park Sunghoon, huh? I pictured you bigger." he remarks. I just give him a blank look and stare at him. The vampire then says, "Not gonna talk ay? You should learn to respect your elders, but that's okay, I'll teach you. Plus, that guy was my meal and now seeing how disrespectful you are, i'm going to teach you a lesson."

He immediately swings his fist at me and I quickly dodge it. He suddenly swings again, and gets my side. I think to myself, "Okay, this guy is going to die, no one gets to lay a hand on me."

I immediately raise my fist and punch him hard in the face, feeling satisfied with the impact and the grunt I hear from the vampire. The vampire stumbles backwards and comes to attack me again, but I quickly dodge him and notice a wooden stake next to the dumpster. I immediately grab it and turn around, stabbing him in the chest with it.

I just smiled. "Maybe you should learn to respect those who are higher than you." I watch his body disappear.

I turn to look out of the alley way and see a girl quickly rushing by, looking horrified. She saw. I immediately run to her and grab her arm, slamming her into the wall. I immediately ask, "Who are you?"

She just stares at me, terrified. I was already getting annoyed with her. So I decided to yell "WHO ARE YOU?"

She flinches and blinks and then stutters as she says, "Y/N... Kim Y/N." She then immediately looks away. Man, do I hate it when people stutter. But, this is amusing since she is scared, and I could sense it.

I let out a laugh and it comes out deep. I like how it makes her look at me, terrified. It's just me and her. My first thought is to kill her, so I say: "Well then, Y/N I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to kill you, you saw something that you shouldn't have."

I watched as her eyes widened and I saw her panicking. She immediately says, "Please don't... I'll give you money, I'll do anything, but please don't kill me.. Please." I think about it for a second, and think I can get some use out of her, since she said she would do anything.

She keeps looking away from me, and then looking back at me. I say, "Anything, you say?"

She nervously nods and I chuckle darkly in response.

"Well, I do need someone to use as bait to take down Park Jay..." I watched as her eyes widened again, and this is all too funny. She's like a worm on a hook right now. I can do this all day.

"Park Jay?? You mean the leader of the second strongest mafia group?" She asks. I chuckle again, making her even more nervous for my response.

"Yes, that Park Jay. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Either I kill you now, or you can be bait. If you successfully manage to take him down, you live." I wait for her response and she looks away from me, thinking about her decision. She sighs and looks back at me and says, "I'll help you...".

This was just great! Now I have bait to use to help me take him down. She'll just end up getting herself killed but I couldn't care less. I just want to have fun with her. I finally say, "Marvelous." I gently release some of my grip from her arm and pull her into the alleyway.

I don't need to be here anymore anyway, I already had my meal. I walk into the secret passageway and continue to pull her with me. I let go and walk into the elevator. She looks out the door and then it disappears. I smirk and then wait for her. She finally turns around and walks into the elevator with me. I pressed the button. A few seconds later, the door opens.

I watch her admire my home for a second. I walk out of the elevator and she follows me. We then reached the door to my mansion and I unlocked it. As soon as we walk in, I say, "Your room is on the second floor to the right. It's next to the arcade."

She simply nods and then asks "What's your name? I figured since I am working as a bait for you, I might as well know your name." I think about it. It's not like she'll live anyway, once she meets Jay, so I decide to tell her.

"Park Sunghoon, the leader of the most fearsome mafia group. Aka, the son of Park Daehoon." Heck, that felt good saying out loud I think. I should make my presence known in Seoul sometime soon.

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