Chapter 2 Banquet begin!

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This , is the world of Annu kin!  Would , there be any way for you  to take us back? Soldier asked.. For one of you! A trade maybe!
" What , did you have in mind?"

You will know later ! Appalwa , prepare her for our feast and bring the male! This , Appalwa we followed to a big tent there was a steamy room. I went in to one with her , while the soldier , who I still haven't gotten his name was taken to another tent.

Remove your coverings! As , I see her undress.. I , understand this must be a bath so I did ... Leader, must have plans for you! " Maybe, your right!" She laughed... I , am certain if he did not , you would have been fed to the walo !

She , led me in a steamy pool as we washed I , dipped under coming up when we got out .. We , are ordered to dress you! I just nodded.

In , annu dra robes? Yes Appalwa!
Who orders this ? She , stared at these two , some things are said in frustration I , can't understand.
My thoughts " Do , these have some meaning of tribal , or clan rank? Just , what is their leader wanting?"

The , two helped me while Appalwa is apparently nonplussed about this. I look at myself in the pool I have headdress in a decorative loin cloth over thin sheet material , a top that hooks well holding my plump breasts, but it's very revealing .

They, led me to the leader again where the soldier , was less nude but not decorated as we stood to the side  outside his private chamber there , is definitely something heated , being discussed in their native language.

Hey Cadet , got any ideas about his plan? " I , think this outfit has some sort ,of status meaning!" Hmm! He said in thought. The leader came out with this tall , muscular guy , with caramel skin ,white hair  , fangs and a tail he has a necklace with fangs  , and some sort of symbol.

He looks at me  " Hello , did I see you in the forest earlier?" Hmm! And , nothing else he goes out of the tent I , look at Soldier who I know is just as clueless

Female , join with that male ! Then , we will send this male specimen back to your Earth! "Join? Do , you mean as his wife?"  Mate! I ,  swallowed past a lump " How ,does he feel about this?"

He's , satisfied you are pretty and can give him young !  " I , don't understand much about your world ! But , in mine we treat each other with love as equals! So ,how is your dynamic here?"

Our , female mate males but he would be the head male , as your first! "  I look " Soldier, it looks like you'll be going home!"  When? Soldier , asked as the leader looks stoically ... After, the ceremony and banquet!

We follow him out " Soldier, what's your name?" Why? " Well , I figured if I'm saving your marriage!  I , ought to at least know your name!"
He smiled... Johnathan White special forces! " Nice , to meet you I'm Jessica!" Thank you for this!

" I , hope I don't mess and up in the ceremony!" The leaded took my hand holding it up as if were doing  medieval dancing  moving in step with a enchanted beat.

So , I did my best to keep up as we move in a line dance  I ,notice other girls of there tribe or clan also marching out where the dragons our  men I think are in there forms ..

One , of their elders which I assumed is a holy woman , priest , or shaman. She , sang something in their language I , looked at and the dragon in front of me wasn't white , and has wings so the guy I saw in the forest...

Choose!  the leader told me so.... Looking , at them all there were two wingless dragons neither had a necklace but , the faded mark of a fang on the neck so I , stroked his muzzle and stood there.

The , other three pick a dragon , or eh mate they shifted. I , indeed chose the right dragon he took my hand and kissed it. Those , golden eyes drew me in with a slight upturn grin.. Let ,the banquet begin!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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