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The door to the dance studio opens, revealing who they were waiting for the most. Upon seeing the person, Venti immediately runs across the room to greet Xiao into the studio.
"Is she here yet? Is she in her new room? Do-"

"Yes to all of those." He says bluntly as he takes his jacket off. Venti smiles brightly and then walks over to the speaker to start the music.

"Ok, starts in 3, 2, 1!" Everyone moves to their spots to start dancing.


Dance practice was over and everyone took their towels and water bottles.
"When can I see her?" Venti asks with a smile.

"I don't know, but you're definitely not going to see her directly." Xiao said, not even taking a glance at Venti.

"So I'm supposed to meet her by chance???" Venti says with a super sad expression.



Everyone walked to their room to get rest and to take a bath.

"My schedule for today is a radio talk from 12:30 to 7:00 and then I get sent home for an hour break, go back at 8:00 till 10:00. Nothing different."
You recite out loud and look at your phone for the time. '11:47... I'll leave at 12.' You take your cap and put it on. Then you head outside to hail a taxi.

'So tiring dealing with Venti and Scaramouche everyday... Why do they always fight??' Heizou thought as he walked through the hallway, shaking his head with a tired expression. Just as he opens his eyes, he spots someone, walking ahead of him. They were wearing a cap that look familiar. Heizou stares at the cap, wondering where he had seen it before. 'That cap.. Wasn't it from that girl at the grocery store?' Taking a look at your figure, he confirms it was you. Definitely.

You feel a presence behind you as you walk to the entrance to leave for your work. You get anxious and speed up without looking back. You could feel their gaze upon you causing you to freak out. At one point, it got annoying so you stop and turn around.
"Excuse me, do you-" You stop mid sentence when you realise who it is.

"Famous guy??" You quickly realise what you said and you cover your mouth with both your hands.

"Famous... Guy?" Heizou cocks his head to the side.

"I'm sorry, I have to get going now." You say, knowing very well you are early and could wait a little bit before hailing a taxi. Still, you try your best to get out of the situation and forget that ever happened.

"Wait!" Heizou calls out to you, causing you to stop in your tracks.

"You're the girl who I met at the grocery store, right?" Heizou asks.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You say bluntly.

"Then why did you call me famous guy?" He asks with a smirk. You blush profusely in embarrassment and turn around aggressively.

"Please forget that ever happened!" You say with your eyes closed.

"Then don't lie." He said. "I'm sure you remember it quite well. Just like me." You stop and lift up your cap to see his face.

"What's your name?" He asks, smiling.

"Why would I tell you that?" You deadpanned him.

"Because you must be famous if you're living here. I just want to get to know my neighbours more." He smiles brightly. You could tell he was an idol at first glance since his smile was so blinding.

"It's (l/n) (y/n) ."

"Wait, you're (y/n)??" He says with his eyebrows raised. You look up and get confused.

"Wh-Why are you so surprised?" You ask, genuinely curious.

"I guess you don't know who I am.." Heizou said smiling again. 'There he goes again, that idol smile..' You thought.

"I'm Shikanoin Heizou. Apart of the boy group, 5wirl."
Your eyes widen in shock.

"That's why you were so surprised when you realised who I am..." You said smiling at him.

"You really don't know how much the everyone else wants to meet you." He said crossing his arms and smiling.
Just as you were about to say something, you were interrupted by a phone call. 'Oh shit.' You reluctantly pick up the phone.
Heizou waves to you and turns around to head back into the dorm. You smile at him as you pick up the call.

"(y/n), your modelling seems to be cancelled for the rest of the day.."

"Wait WHAT??" You answer back, excitedly.

"Yeah. The director fell ill so you don't need to come."

"Wait really? Thanks a lot!" You say nearly jumping.

"But I-" You end the call before the manager could say anything more. 'Now I'm freee.' You smile as you turn around.

・• - ♪ •  A Secret For The World To Know  -  •・☆ ( Shikanoin Heizou )Where stories live. Discover now