015. 2nd place

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lunch break was finished so we went back to the new fight club, I sat down with Kirsten and told her about what happened in the bathroom with Bada

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lunch break was finished so we went back to the new fight club, I sat down with Kirsten and told her about what happened in the bathroom with Bada. "I talked to her, and she told me that Howl wasn't her boyfriend. So I apologized and I feel pretty stupid." I tell her while using hand gestures.

Kirsten nods and tells me that I did the right thing to talk to her, but really Bada was the one that confronted me about it. I nod while Kirsten rubs my hair. Daniel came back so we started to record again.

We already watched 1MILLION's so yeah
Right now it was time for us to see LADYBOUNCE's video. "Let's watch the video of LADYBOUNCE's mega crew mission." I watched the video and stayed quiet and now it was time for BEBE's video.

I looked at the screen with a smile on my face, I feel way more happy now that we're on good terms. I made a face when I saw Bada hugging a guy before them dancing started, I take a deep breath and stayed quiet.

"It's so clean." I muttered to myself, I clapped my hands when it was over. "BEBE, thank you for your performance. Let's now find out the directors score now." Bada got 360, Tatter also got 367, and Lusher got 360.

"They're all close." I mumbled, no one spoke because they didn't hear me. "From the fight judges, BEBE's directors earned a total of 1089 points." I clapped my hands again since everyone else was doing it.

"Of the three directors, Tatter got the highest score of 367 points. Bada and Lusher got the lowest score of 360 points." Daniel said. "First of all, I actually.." Bada pauses. She closes her eyes, I let out a sigh and stare at her.

Everyone was so emotional. "Yes, yes. I feel bad about my score, but i realized I have a long way to go as a director. Also, I'd like to thank the members that worked hard together. That's it" When Bada finished, I clapped my eyes, I wiped my eyes because I could feel the tears trying to pop out.

"We will now reveal the fight judges scores of Wolf'Lo's mega crew mission." Daniel says. "I believe preparing for the mega crew mission was the toughest out of all the missions so far." Halo says, I nod my head knowing how she felt.

I fiddled with the necklace that laid on my chest, I stared at it for a while before looking up again. "I heard baby sleek's husband was one of the dancers there." I lean on Audrey to tell her that. Audrey hums in confusion.

"really?" I nod my head and grin. I hold onto her hands, I lean up and then lean my head on her shoulder, I put my other arm on her shoulder. Basically hugging her. "You're such a baby." I pout and smile at her.

She giggles before playing with my hair. It showed that baby sleek fight judge score was 375 points. "Wow." I say, I'm laying on the step with my head on Audrey's lap as she continued to play with my hair.

I watched the dance video, and played with my hands. "there's so many people that it scares me." I exclaimed. I clapped my hands when the video finished, it was very cool. And the head gesture with Baby Sleek was connected with the dance she did for the last battle. She did it for the last part and now she did it for the first.

"We will now reveal the fight judges score of Halo and Chocol, directors of Wolf'Lo." Daniel says in a deep voice, I don't know if he's tired or what but he's voice changed. It showed that Halo had gotten 346 points and Chocol got 367 points.

"We came with the concept thesis-antithesis synthesis. We were hoping to create a perfect flow from beginning to end, so we have no regrets." Halo says. "With this, the total score of the three crews with the all gender theme are 1115 points for LADYBOUNCE, 1087 points for BEBE, and 1088 points for Wolf'Lo." Daniel says in the microphone.

I look at the groups on the side of my eye. "Lastly, which crew will be taking the additional concept points of 100 points?" I blinked at the screen when I saw LADYBOUNCE had gotten the points. I clapped my hands when I heard everyone else doing it.

I sit up from Audrey's lap and arch my back trying to get a crack from it. "LADYBOUNCE's final fight judge score is 1215 points." Daniel says in the mic. "First, I'd like to thank you. We were serious about our performances and even the helper dancers seem to have sensed that. They did their best to make this good result possible. I'd truly like to thank our helper dancers." NOB says before breaking down.

I fiddled with my hair, I yawned, I was too tired for this. I could just faint and then fall asleep right after.

"With this, all fight judge scores and extra points have been revealed

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"With this, all fight judge scores and extra points have been revealed. For the Mega Crew Mission, the destiny of seven crews will be determined through 500 points of fight judge scores, and 500 public of online public points." I blinked in confusion, I couldn't even comprehend what this man just said.

"It will add up to a total of 1000 points. We will now reveal the points." On the screen behind Daniel, it showed the crew that went high to low. "However the online public points haven't been added up yet. With 500 online public points, the final results can easily be changed. I will start announcing the most anticipated first place." Daniel tell us.

"My heart is pounding, so bad." kirsten says quietly while holding onto Emma and Latrice, I rub her shoulder trying to comfort her. "it'll be okay." I whisper to her and give her a small smile. "The crew in the first place is 1MILLION." I sigh because it was expected.

I clapped my hands with a big smile on my face as I watched the crew hug each other. "I'm very grateful to the members of the crew that always believed in me and came with me this far, despite the fact that i am not good enough as a leader." Lia says before breaking down as her team hugs her.

"I will announce the crew that it's in second place. The crew that won second place in the mega crew mission.. Jam Republic." I gasp and look up, all the girls sigh in relief. I chuckle and rub Latrice's back.

I hugged the girls. "Jam Republic received 5,233,393 views with 464,943 likes and 116,285 votes." I look at Daniel as he talks with a big smile on my face. I am so relieved.

🧇 I am going to end it here, the next chapter wont be a chapter where it has the episode in it, it's going to be just a weekend

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🧇 I am going to end it here, the next chapter wont be a chapter where it has the episode in it, it's going to be just a weekend. 🧇

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