003. Miyoko's turn

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Mina ends up winning the battle she had against Lia, and Monika's opinion on their dancing was unbelievable

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Mina ends up winning the battle she had against Lia, and Monika's opinion on their dancing was unbelievable. "I didn't like it. I get that they've been dancing for years. But it's emotional." Lia looks at the ground in spite.

Miyoko stares at the two girls who were upset about Monika's answer. Daniel then starts talking again since a new battle was starting. "Gooseul from Deep N Dap." Gooseul gets up and gets her microphone before walking right to jam republics area.

"My No Respect Dancer is Miyoko from jam republic." Gooseul says glaring at Miyoko, Miyoko gets up confused before taking off her jacket and hat off like what she did with her and Yoonji's battle.

Miyoko was confused on why Gooseul picked her since they have been best friends since elementary school, they were in the same dance crew but then Gooseul started to ignore her and talk bad about her on Instagram.

"I'm just tired of you trying to be me. Are you that obsessed?" Gooseul starts talking while glaring at the blonde haired girl across from her. "You've been copying me since grade 10. And you're the one that favorites all my posts. So are you obsessed with me?" Miyoko asks the girl with pink hair.

Gooseul just rolls her eyes before giving Mina her microphone. Miyoko does the same with Audrey and looks at Soll waving the Deep N Dap in the air. Miyoko glares at Gooseul before turning around and going in tears.

Audrey and Emma pull Miyoko in a hug while Kirsten and Latrice comfort Miyoko. Miyoko pulls away from the two girls and wipes her eyes and ties her long hair in a ponytail. Bada walks over to the girl with blonde hair and holds her by the shoulder, leaning down to look in her eyes.

"You okay?" Bada asks worriedly. Miyoko shakes her head and lays it on Bada's chest. Bada puts her hands on Miyoko's head while rubbing her back comforting her. Kirsten and Audrey smile with each other, they love the affection Bada and Miyoko had for each other.

"Gooseul from Deep N Dap will go from and then Miyoko from Jam Republic will go second. Gooseul waits for the song to turn on before actually dancing, Miyoko glares at Gooseul and she gets closer to Miyoko.

Miyoko looks away and wipes her eyes and then looks at the ground waiting for her turn. "Three, two, one, switch!" Miyoko looks up and poses, waiting for her to here the song,

When Miyoko's turn finishes, she shakes her head knowing she didn't do as well as Gooseul, before Latrice can pull Miyoko into a hug Bada was too quick at it. Bada pulls in Miyoko eyes before squishing her cheeks. Miyoko laughs she felt way better when Bada was there.

Miyoko goes back to the fight zone and waits for the judges to turn their cards. When they did, it was all pink. Miyoko jumps up and down, happy before hugging her crew. Miyoko goes to Deep N Dap to put their chip to the right side of the chart.

While Miyoko was putting the chip on the chart she felt arms around her. "I'm so sorry!" Gooseul mumbles not wanting to make a scene but it seems like she already did since everyone's eyes were on the two. Miyoko moves away from Gooseul and looks in her eyes. She could sees the regret in her eyes.

Miyoko pulls Gooseul back into a hug, she forgave Gooseul but she'll never forget what she did.

Miyoko pulls Gooseul back into a hug, she forgave Gooseul but she'll never forget what she did

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
𝙤𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙤𝙙, 𝙗𝙖𝙙𝙖 𝙡𝙚𝙚حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن