15. Still Love Him?

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Nandini's pov

"Yes?" He asked

"Have you seen any girl of short height passing by or asked help from you?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I mean I don't remember such incident"

"Okay if you see any girl here is the number just give us a call"

"Okay sure" he said and closed the door.

"You can come out" he said and I came out. I sighed sitting on bed.

"Thank you" I said and he smiled.

"My pleasure! By the way you haven't tell me"


"Are you single or do you love someone?"

"You think I can love someone when I know I am someone's slut" I said

"Shut up don't use such word you're not a slut"

"Oh really why it is bothering you?"

"Because you're not a slut you are my... Uhm forget it"

"Aaryaman why are you back?"

"Look trust me it wasn't intentionally Yeah I tried to search you for few months but later I lost hope. Yesterday I was coming back from a birthday party and I saw you running first I didn't knew it's you as it was dark when I brought you home when I saw your face-"

"So you should have left me there only"

"Why are you doing this Nandini for god sake at least listen look I know I did a mistake but What happened happened it cannot be changed"

"I don't want to talk to you" I got up and was leaving but he held my arm

"Ok ok I'm sorry I won't say anything I promise" He said and I sighed.


The door knocked again and he opened as it was Manik. As soon as the door was opened he entered inside and hugged me.

"You fine right?" He asked

"I'm fine Manik" I hugged him back. I looked towards Aaryaman he was already looking at me.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save you Nandini I'm so sorry" he said breaking the hug

"It wasn't your fault Manik you tried your best don't blame yourself" He turned towards Aaryaman

"Thank you so much brother for letting her stay here"

"It's my pleasure bro no need of thanks" he said.

"Let's go from here before that bastard find us"

"Yeah you should leave this place because they are nearby" he said "By the way Nandini this is my number if you... You know what I mean" he said and I nodded. I took the paper from his hand and kept inside my pant's pocket.

"Let's go" Manik said and we left

Sitting inside the car we drive away. The journey was quite. I don't know where we are going. I closed my eyes and I went to sleep.


I opened my eyes as I felt myself moving in sleep. I looked up to see him. I was in his arms he was taking me inside the house. This place was new.

"Where we are?" I asked

"Where no one can find us" he said

He made me sit on bed and sat besides me.

"You fine right?" He asked and I nodded

"I'm! I saved myself" I said And he smiled.

"I'm glad to hear" he said

"Manik I'm hungry" I said

"Wait let me see what we have in kitchen" he said and went outside.

I took out the number from my pocket and read it. Seeing him after months remind me all the memories. He is my first love, my school life love. But why is he back in my life? I don't love him anymore, do I?

When I saw him my heart stopped beating It was like I am back to the old days where we were in a relationship where there was no Mr. Malhotra to whom I was sold. It was like I woke up from a nightmare.

"The food is ready" He entered inside I hide the paper back in my pocket.

He sat in front of me and I smiled. We ate the food he was again and again looking at me with questioning look but I didn't asked anything. After we finish the food he  asked me to take a shower and ordered some clothes from nearby shopping mall.

I came out to see him using his phone. He looked at me and smiled.

"You're looking cute" he said

I am wearing a pajama and shirt, sleeping suit. It has mickey mouse everywhere.

"Thanks" I sat besides him

"Can I ask you something if you don't mind" he asked


"That guy who helped you... Do you know him?" He asked

Should I tell him? He is my friend I can tell him but... What if he don't understand

"What happened?" He asked shaking me

"Uhmm yeah I know him" I can't lie to him

"Oh really who he is"

"My ex boyfriend" There was a complete silence

"Oh I see"

"Yeah I was also shocked when I saw him but-"

"But you're happy too because he is back"

"I don't know maybe I'm happy But I'm angry with him"

"Its natural" he said with a smile which looked fake to me I don't know why

"By the way do you have a girlfriend?" I asked being curious

"I had"

"Why you broken up?"

"Things didn't worked between us so... Leave it"

"You still love her?"

"No I don't I guess I never loved her it was just a mere attraction"


"What about you? You still love him?" He asked and I was quite for a moment, Do I?

"I don't know maybe I'm not sure"


After that the conversation ended none of us talked, he was busy using his phone and I was busy remembering my moments With Aaryaman.


The next day I went inside the kitchen to make some delicious food for us. As I entered inside I saw Manik already there making breakfast.

"Good morning" he said

"Good morning! What are you doing Here I can make it leave" I said but he nodded in a no

"It's okay I can make it's not a big deal you go and wait outside"

"But Manik-"

"No but and ifs do what I said"

"Ok let me at least help you" he nodded.

We made the breakfast and sat down to eat.

Alina ❤

Someone Special✔️✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang