7: Friends

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Manik's POV

She moved a bit loosing my hands from her.

"Its hurting" she said slowly.

"He hurt you again?" I asked and she smiled

"He daily do" I sighed.

"Come I'll help you to apply ointment" I said taking her inside the room.

I made her sit on bed taking out the ointment from drawer. I sat behind her

"Pull it down" I said.

She pulled down her shirt opening the buttons. She was wearing night suit the pajama and shirt. She pulled down her shirt almost taking it out.


Her back is full of marks, some new while some old. How can someone be so cruel, monster. But off course I'm not going to let him go even if he is my dad.

"It will hurt a bit" I said

"It won't I'm habitual" she said.

Taking the cream on my finger I applied on the wounds one by one. Her eyes were closed as she was trying to control the pain.

I looked towards her through mirror.

"Is it done?" She asked as she saw me starring her through mirror.

"Uhm... Yeah" I sais getting up.

She wear her shirt wiping her face to clean tbe dry tears.

"Thank you" she said


"For the help" she stood up

I held her arm pulling her towards me

"I'm sorry" I said feeling I don't know how much guilty


"For hurting you without any reason. It wasn't your fault but I was so rude to you I hurt you with my words and my actions too. I know A single apology is nothing but still I'm sorry, forgive me"

"No Sir why are you apologizing, you can say whatever you want"

"No I cannot in fact no one has the right to say bad to you it was my fault and I'm apologizing. I will always apologize" I cleared.


"So you forgiven me?"


"Not like this prove it"

"Ho... How?"

"Be my friend" I said. Her eyes came out of her sockets.


"Yeah is it too much to prove?"

"No I mean I was shocked you want to be my friend?" She asked bolding the word my.

"Yes Why are you a celebrity? Can't I be your friend?"

"No what are you saying? Off course I will be your friend"

"So friends?" I asked forwarding my hand

"Friends" she smiled.

"So my dear new friend its quite late you should sleep now" I said and she smiled

"Ok sir" she said and my smiled turned in a 'Are you serious' look

"Sir? Are you serious Who calls a friend sir?" I asked

"I meant Manik" she said

"That's like my girl. I'm leaving now" I said

Next day was exhausted as well. Off course a doctor's life isn't easy at all. Coming home I saw Mr. Malhotra was going to raise hand on Nandini. I ran towards them and held his hand.

"Are you out of your senses?" I shouted

"Leave Manik you don't know anything she will be punished"

"Leave her"

"No I won't Manik you go to your room"

"I said leave her. You think I will let you do this Mr. Malhotra?"


"What What Manik, I can't take this anymore. Knowing everything I can't let you do this"

"What are you even saying? She made a mistake and I am asking her what are you saying?"

"I am saying that I know how dirty and shameless person you are. I never knew that the person I call dad is not worth of being called. What type of a person, human you are how can you do this aren't you ashamed?"

"What the fuck are you talking Manik control your mouth"

"Oh you want me to tell you clearly? Ok then, I am saying that I know she is your fucking mistress, I know that you have bought her from her parents. You use to torture her daily and don't even regret it" I shouted.

"How do you know this?" He asked

"How do I know? Well I heard you giving punishment to her and trust me I hate you from that day. I don't want to call you dad so for me you are Mr. Malhotra"

"Manik my son you are taking me wrong. I haven't bought her she is happy with me ask her if you don't believe me" he said and I looked at Her. She looked down

"I know she is happy or not I don't have to ask her I can see through her face I'm a doctor Mr. Malhotra if you remember" I said

"Of fine so what, what will you do?"

"You have to stop this she will leave this house I won't let you use her anymore"

"Hahaha.... Oh really Manik you will stop me? Ok how?"

"I will send her back somewhere where she will live on her own"

"No you can't My son because I have bought her and I have all rights to do whatever I want"

"Ok then I will buy her from you"

"But I don't want to sell her and tell me one thing Manik how will you buy her? With my money because you have nothing which belongs to you. If I want I can take everything away from you even your job and trust me you won't be able to get job anywhere again" he said

"Sir please stop fighting I am happy with him please" she shouted

"Nandini don't lie you don't have to I will save you"

"I don't to be saved I'm fine and happy too please Sir stop fighting" she said and I sighed.

I left from there angrily.

"Good girl" I listened him saying.

I shut the room's door harshly. I can't believe I still can't believe. He has no shame on his face he wasn't guilty at all. How can someone be so shameless? And Nandini what happened to her why she said she don't want to free herself.



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