♧ The Downpour ♧

Start from the beginning

A blast flew past the two of them, white and full of pure energy. Pin stepped back slightly, feeling the warmth radiating off of it. "Ok, you know what?" Pin grabbed Clock by the leg, glancing at the nearby unharmed forest. She looked at the distance. If she managed to run and stay low long enough, she would make it to the nearby slightly burnt forest.


Another bright flash struck through the group, and Pin watched in absolute horror as Loser was disintegrated immediately. The strike then flew towards them, and Pin screamed, leaping out of the way and dragging Clock with her.

"LOSERS! LETS FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE." Pin screamed, and to her surprise they followed. She couldn't think about them, though. The forest was right there.

"Is it worth stopping for them?" A faint voice was heard. It was Clock. "Ffffuck... I feel really lightheaded."

"We're almost there!" Pin cried, though she could feel her legs tiring. "Just stay awake for a little longer!" Pin glanced at Clock, but couldn't see the damage and kept running.

Another zap, and Pin felt her legs speed up. The forest was right there, and she just needed to keep running. "Go! Go! Go!" The voice of Coiny could be heard. "Don't give up, Losers!"

The forest came closer and closer into view, and Pin could feel the dead grass slowly becoming thicker and thicker. Another zap blasted next to them, slightly burning through the forest. She sped up more, the forest in her reach-


Pin was thrown into the air, still gripping onto Clock's leg. Beneath her, the smoke and fire of an explosion burst out, and time slowed down. Pin could feel herself in some state of euphoria, glancing at the stars in the sky. The ground fell away from her, and her hand reached out towards the twilight, the hanging sliver of a crescent moon. Clouds started to gather- clouds?! And how was it night?

Pin felt her mind being thrown back into reality, as she hurtled towards the ground below. Screaming, she held Clock above her, as he was more fragile and could shatter. She stared at a bush, bracing for the impact of twigs and leaves, hoping that maybe she could survive.



The smoke rose from a recent explosion. Pieces of dark shrapnel were thrown around, earning screams from many. Four could still be seen, launching deadly beams of light.

Pen was thrown on the ground, his ears ringing. A cold liquid dripped down his face, and he felt like he couldn't move. He blinked, once, twice, rubbing his hands on his head and looking at them. He stared at them, horrified. Scratches were on his palm, and his own blood was smeared on them. He tried to, couldn't scream. His throat felt dry. Rain started to pour onto his body..

His eyes looked around, his head pounding. He felt sick to the core, light-headed, aching all over. Right now, he just wanted to lie down and let the earth swallow him up... or whatever was going to happen to him just happen.

"Who is this?"

"Do you not know? It's Pen." A robotic voice could be heard.

"Whatever. He's probably dead. We need to run, TV."

Pen gritted his teeth, using the last of his energy to push his hand towards the sky, and open his eyes. "I'm.. not... dead.." He could feel something drip off of his hands. The ringing that was slowly dispersing from his ears started to distort. He could barely keep his eyes open. The pain that sparked from his body started to feel fuzzy.

"HOLY SHIT!!" An orange, fuzzy ball yelled. "PEN? PEN!" Pen could feel something lift him up. "TV WE NEED TO GO NOW!" A zap could be heard. Pen felt like he was moving quickly.. or slowly?

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