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"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

~ Seneca

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The sun had barely taken over the morning sky when Ali walked through the front door, his face weary and expression worn out. His absence throughout the night had been a source of concern for his family, and as he entered, the weight of their worry was palpable. Samad, who had taken the initiative to search for him the previous night, shot him a stern look, a mix of relief and frustration.

"Where have you been, Ali?" Samad questioned, his voice edged with a stern tone. Aabid, Ali's father, joined the inquiry, his eyes reflecting a blend of paternal concern and mild annoyance.

"I had some work to finish, and my phone died," Ali explained, his gaze fixed on the floor as if searching for answers in the pattern of the tiles.

Samad's irritation flared, "You could have at least informed someone. We were worried sick about you. Which work took you all night?"

Aabid, known for his calm demeanor, chimed in, "Your responsibilities are not just your own, Ali. You're part of this family, and your actions affect us all."

Ali listened to their scolding in silence, the lines on his forehead deepening. However, amidst the admonishments, a realization crystallized in his mind. His pursuit of Amira's truth had led him to a dead-end the previous night, and it had become clear to him that she might have left of her own accord. All were worried for him while nobody was searching for her.

"I get it, Bhai. I shouldn't have disappeared like that.I am sorry," Ali said, his words carrying a mixture of resignation and determination.

Samad and Aabid exchanged glances, skepticism evident in their expressions. Ali continued, "Can I please go and freshen up?!" And with this he just left, without any further thing. Zain followed him.

"So, what is up?"

"Last night, when I went to Noah uncle's place, it felt like they were indifferent to her disappearance. Her mother dismissed it as if it's a routine thing for Amira to vanish. Her brothers showed no concern whatsoever. Even Samad bhai and papa were all calm. Raiyyan wasn't bothered about it. And last night, everyone was worried for me. That can only mean that it is her regular habit. And I was going mad for nothing! I am not continuing to search for her. If she wants to come back, she will. Otherwise she can go to hell. As if I care for her."

"Ali, are you sure?" Zain asked, being in two minds himself.

"Very much sure!"

Zain sighed, a blend of frustration and understanding in his eyes. "Ali, we need to handle this responsibly. Jumping to conclusions won't help. We should gather more information and approach this carefully. Disappearing like this was not the solution, not for you, not for her. And you could have at least told me about this."

"As if you wouldn't have told Samad bhai or papa!"

Zain nodded, his resolve undeterred. The events of the night had fueled his determination to let the truth be and stop worrying for a seemingly careless girl who is afraid of responsibilities. Zain left the room and Ali lied down with some memories still haunting me.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

In the living room, Samad was deep in thought, contemplating the tangled web of events that had unfolded. Zain approached him cautiously, aware of the delicate nature of the situation. Amira's family had left by now. "Bhai, we need to find a solution. Ali is adamant about letting go of the search for Amira, but we can't simply dismiss her disappearance. There might be more to this than meets the eye. Amira is family, and her well-being matters. We can't let her vanish without knowing what happened. Why are you this worried about Ali but not about Amira?"

Shattered ChainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora