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"Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got."

~ Robert Brault

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The persistent void that had settled within Ali's heart lingered two days after the night out. It was an ache he couldn't shake off, an unease that clung to him like a shadow. The house echoed with silence, emphasizing her absence in every corner. He was unknowingly addicted to her presence, even though she never was really there. He searched many ways to find relief from this feeling. Yet nothing seemed as helpful to him. As a way to find relief, Ali decided to visit his friend Asif, Amira's brother.

Asif's home, once a familiar place, now held an air of unfamiliarity. Ali's knock on the door echoed through the hallway, and Asif greeted him with a puzzled expression.

"Ali, what brings you here?" Asif asked, inviting him inside. "Do I need a reason to visit you?" Ali tried to sound as casual as he could. "Naah bro. It's literally your second home.

They settled in the living hall. Since it was a Sunday, others were home too. They were involved in various discussions. Raiyyan and Haya turned up too coincidentally. Well it was casual for them to just turn up at each other's place. 

"I wasn't expecting you here Ali!" Raiyyan said as soon as he entered. "No office or meeting?

"Raiyyan, why are you taunting my poor son? Come. Sit both of you", Farah intervened. They sat there. 

"Ali bhai where is Amira? Did she also come? I haven't seen her around for a couple of days." Haya looked around trying to spot her. They all got slightly uneasy. Ali tried to read the other's faces which assured him she was not here. "Amira is not with me. I told Raiyyan what went down. I was sure he shared it with you." Ali was growing uncomfortable with each passing second. 

"What went down?" Anaya looked at Raiyyan and Ali for some answer. "Ali decided to divorce Amira. The only thing that went down." They looked at the entrance to see Ali's family. "What did that nuisance do now?" Abram's voice held anger and disappointment. The words hit Ali like a cold gust of wind. They knew nothing. Means she was not here. Where else could she be gone? 

"Isn't she here? Shouldn't you all know about this?" Zain wondered all of a sudden. "She never came here to start with!" Ahana told in a worried manner. Ali's expression shifted from confusion to mild concern. The worry in her voice triggered an unexpected response in Ali. He hadn't realized the extent to which her presence had woven into the fabric of his daily life until it was suddenly absent. 

"No one has heard from her. She's not at home, and she doesn't have any friends. Where would she be?" Anaya looked at Abram, hoping a part of his concern would wake up but he sat there the same. Unconcerned. A subtle panic hit Ali. His attempt to conceal the concern failed as he turned to Samad. "Did she leave any message or mention going somewhere?"

Samad shook his head. "No, Ali. It's unusual for her to be out without letting anyone know. I was sure she would come here." Ali's mind raced with possibilities, and a sense of responsibility stirred within him which he tried to throw away but failed. "We should find her. She can be in trouble. If you hear anything or if she returns, let me know." He left from there. The weight of worry bore down to his heart. He couldn't pinpoint why her absence affected him so deeply, but a newfound determination spurred him on. His search for Amira began, unknowingly driven by a growing connection. He, being the stubborn one, stood still in denial and confusion. 

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"You crossed all my expectations, Noah, Farah. There your daughter is missing and you don't even have the slightest concern where she may be? Whether she's fine or not. Whether she is alive or not?!" Aabid's voice resonated with anger and disappointment.

"Our responsibility was to get her married. If she can't handle her own marriage, it's her fault. Not ours!" Farah retorted, her words cutting through the air with cold indifference.

Aabid, unable to contain his frustration, stormed out, followed by his family and RaiYa. The confrontation left a lingering tension in the air, highlighting the stark contrast between the expectations of responsibility and the reality of neglect.

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Diary Entry - [07.09.23]

Dear Diary,

The walls of this house, my temporary sanctuary, seem to close in on me. I appreciate the kindness, yet I can't shake the feeling that I'm burdening someone up with my existence again. Every smile that I get feels like a mask hiding the subtle burden I've become.

My family is a distant memory that haunts my thoughts. Do they even notice my absence? If they do, which I don't believe, are they searching me? Or am I merely a forgotten thing in their life? The silence screams louder than words, all the time.

And then there's Ali along with his words. Shivers run down my spine remembering the whole day when they went on that date. The warmth I thought I felt in his gaze that night was nothing more than an illusion. I find myself questioning if my presence in his life is merely a pawn to get rid of me or if it means more than that. I wonder about destiny's plan. 

Samad bhai assures me that everything is fine. However, the air around me is still making me doubt. Is this acceptance genuine, or is it just a temporary act, a facade? The uncertainty kills me every second, leaving me yearning for a place where my existence holds value.

As I pen down these words, tears stain the pages of my diary. I long for a life where I'm not a burden, where my presence matters, and where I can belong without feeling like an intruder. A life which is owned and controlled by me only. Not what others say and think about me. I wanna break free from everyone. Maybe this whole plan is a waste. Ali may show his concern as he thinks of me as his responsibility only. Or maybe guilt? But how can we live a happy life when he feels only responsible and guilty towards me? 

What if there is no one who judges me? If I am alone, free? Living with my parents, they may taunt and hit me. But they at least didn't ask me where I was late at night or early in the morning. I could work, pay my fees, study and I did not feel as a burden. If I am alone, nobody would hit or taunt me. I wouldn't be a burden. What if that's what destiny holds?

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