Meeting you

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Ride to Avengers tower was good. It didn't feel like a normal ride. Of course it won't be normal. World wide famous Thor was sitting with you and talking with you. But it didn't feel normal because of it. It didn't feel normal cause you felt like you were reading a book of a person's whole life. Thor told you everything about Loki's life. It is clear that Thor can read Loki like a open book. That's a plus for you. If you need help about Loki, he can easily help you out since he will living here.

Knowing about Loki's life, you realize how human he was or maybe he is. His life didn't look like a villain to you. Yeah it's obvious a person will say only good things about their love one's but no Thor was different. He is with right. He was honest to you. He said Loki's good bad both sides. He also told you about his family, Asgard and little bit of his life.

Right now you are standing between Thor and Nick Fury waiting for the team to come.

"This is L/n?" Tony's voice make you look up.

"Yes. Please sit down." Nick says shortly

Everyone sits in meeting room, looking at you. You feel nervous but you don't let it show.

Fury nods at you and you clear your throat.

"Hello everyone. I'm Y/n Y/m L/n. Agent of shield. I'm here cause Nick Fury-" you motion your hand at Fury. "wanted me on this project. You guys have any questions?"

"Did you plan anything special for this project?" Tony ask you looking between you and Fury

"Actually yes. I did plan something. You are carrying a bag. You unzip your bag's chain. You pull out a box.
You open the box. There is a sliver metal looking bracelet.

"A bracelet?" Steve ask in little shock. Fury raise his eyebrow at you.

"It's not just any bracelet. It's a special bracelet. I design it myself. So we will have make Loki wear this in his hand. And we will know whenever he uses his magic, any type of magic. Also when he leaves the tower." You pull out a small device "and this. I will place this at his door. When he will be his room, this device stay green and when not it will turn red."

Everyone looks at you in awe. Nick makes a proud face.

"Impressive" Tony says looking at the device and bracelet.

"And what did you guys plan for this project?" You ask in a curious tone.

"Well. Friday is everywhere. Just say a word, Friday will handle everything. He is right now his room but Thor used some his Asgardian magic to prevent Loki from using his magic and keeping him in one place. Before you came me and Steve were keeping an eye on him. And right now some shield agents."
A red headed girl answer you, which you recognize as Black widow.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff"

"Hi. Yeah I know you" you give her a smile.

"So I hope you everything you need to know?" Captain America ask you

"Yeah. So basically I will be babysitting a god." You say with a laugh

"I like her. I'm Tony Stark." He says shaking your hand

"Oh everyone is New York know who you are."

"Steve Rogers, mam" He offers his hand to shake which you gladly take.

"Please call me Y/n, Mr. Rogers "

"Only if you call me Steve "  you two make eye contact which make you blush

"Okay you two can stop flirting." A African American accent breaks your eye contact. "I'm Sam, Sam Wilson."

"Y/n L/n. Falcon right?"

We're never getting back together | A Loki x Reader love storyDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu