Entering the past

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"Read my mind" you whisper taking his hand and placing it in your forehead not letting him remove his hand.

Loki sighs in defeat. He close his eyes. Green smoke comes out from his hands. He enters your mind.

This is it.



Age of Ultron came to an end. Avengers won. They might won the fight but they still doesn't feel like winning. A city. A whole damn city is destroyed because of one mistake. What they can do? There is nothing they can do about it. No matter what they do, they can't bring back those people who died.

The earth lost her people but also got a new hero. Wanda. She might start off as a villain but end up becoming a hero. But the earth and its people don't know they are about to get another.

"What! Please point break tell me you are kidding?"

"No Stark a God does not kid." Thor says in this deep voice.

Tony shakes his head in disbelief.

"So you are saying Thor that Loki will be staying in here, in earth? Steve asks the god who sitting beside him while Tony pacing back and forth in meeting room.

"Yes Rogers, after he faked his death again. Father lost it. So he forbidden Loki in Asgard. He said Loki have to stay in Midgard and will pay for his deeds."

"Which is?" Tony asks in annoyed tone.

"Helping us, with making Midgard a better place."

"I'm sorry. Are we forgetting what your adopted brother did few years ago??"

"No, Stark. Loki has already paid for that and still paying and will be paying"

"In earth" Steve stated

"Yes. And my brother saved Asgard from dark elfs. He also saved mine and Jane's life. If he didn't fake his death then I would say he died as a hero."

"Thor just because he saved your lover that doesn't cover up the fact that he tried to kill us."

"I agree with Tony"

"See. Cap agreed with me. He isn't coming here, no"

"Father already made his decision. It can't undone. Trust me he changed
He is trying be better. He was angry with me and father. That's why he came to earth. He was lost. No anymore. Please give him a chance he will prove it. You can't change Odin's order unless you want a war more dangerous than Loki's."

"I'm sorry. Are you threatening us with war?" Tony said angrily

"No no. I'm just saying what father will do if he doesn't get what he want." Thor quickly explains

"So we don't have a saying here" Steve says

Tony rubs his forehead. "Where he will stay?

"We haven't decided yet."

"Well Thor. If he is here here, he will have to stay in Avengers tower. With us. So we can keep an eye on him. We just can't let him roam around the city with people. We can't risk it."

"Yes. This will be better. We can't trust him alone." Steve agrees

"Alright then. I shall bring him here tomorrow morning." With that Thor left using his hammer.

"Seriously we just say yes and this dude just left right away. Like we wouldn't have anything else to say."

"There was more to say? What are you thinking Tony?"

We're never getting back together | A Loki x Reader love storyWhere stories live. Discover now